He will pay for this

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*Mitch's POV*

I was looking through the window. Even though a lot of people would say that rain makes them sad, in this moment, to me, it's the happiest thing in this world.

But there is a lot of sad moments in it too.

I saw him just for a second and I can see how much he changed.

Kirstie told me that he is completely different person.

At least she didn't betrayed me.

We still talk whenever we can. She was supposed to visit me this week but she is on a family vacation.

I need to face Scott.

Maybe I know the way I can do that and let Scott explane what he needs to explane.

But I don't need to call him. He will come here. I know that.

He thinks he can solve this situation with a couple of apologies.

Well he can't. And I will not brake over his words.

I learned how to control my emotions. Actually I learned how to destroy them. It's much easier that way.

I don't hate Scott, I just don't feel anything about him right now.

I can't be mad at him because he found someone else, but I can be mad because of the way he picked to tell me.

That completely ruined our friendship.

I was just sitting in front of the window. Looking at the rain like I saw it for a first time. My room was quiet. I could do this for hours

"You are the only person I know who finds rain so fascinating" someone just said

"Sometimes people need to find joy in little things" I said to him

"Can we talk? For serious." Scott asked coming closer to the window

"Depends on what you want to say" I said sarcastically. No emotions

"Why are you acting like this Mitch?" he said

"You don't even know what you did don't you? Well I will tell you. This time I will talk and you will listen." I was as calmed as possible

"Okay." he agreed without complaints

"After your little, actually David's little phone call I got a heart attack. And it's not as serious as it sounds. It's worse. I nearly died" I said

He was in shock.

"You.....what....because of what phone call?" he shuddered

"Oh, so you need literal explanation. Okay. You broke my heart! And it needed a lot of time to heal" I shouted, but not too loud

"What? How? I.....I don't understand you?" he sounded confused.

Good acting skils.

I was so angry "Ask your boyfriend. Or his friends. Oh, let me correct myself. Your friends."

"Boyfriend? So that's what all of this is about? Because I startted hanging out with your old friends " he was shouting

"They tried to kill me! They were never my friends." I said without showing my emotions. Again.

But I was slowly dying inside.

"I was bored. David is not that bad you know" he aded

He was bored? So I was just his toy while I was here? To not make him bored?

"He trethed me! What makes him good by that" I tried to control my heart beat

"When did he trethend you?"he saw I was getting upset so he talked slowly

"Don't pretend you don't know" I said

He was even angrier "I don't!"

"I am not supposed to talk to you at all. He told me that if I do he will kill me. But I guess you know all of that" I said calmly

He looked even more confused"What makes you think that?"

"Well you are dating. For real" I added

"Dating? What? From when?" He started shouting againg

"Don't even try to lie to me Scott. I have proves." I said walking to my table

"Proves for what?" he asked

"For that it's something happening between you two. Something more serious than a friendship" I was looking for something on the table

"What?" he asked

I garbbed a necklace with a wooden heart "Do you see this?"

"What is that?" he was confused

"You don't recognize it. It's David's necklace." I aded a huge fake smile

"Why do you have this?" he asked looking in my eyes

"I found it. In my bed." I said looking at him like I was about to hit him

"Wh....." he started

"Only one who could ever get in my house while I was in New York was you. You had keys." I said

He looked at the necklace"You think I putted David's necklace in your bed?"

"No! I think he left it here. When you were here" I said loudly

Even though this sounds incredibly stupid, It's the only prove I have

"I would never...." he stated

"Don't. Just don't. I don't need this. You've costed me enough pain already." I said

He looked mad. But not on me"Oh he will pay for this!"

He runned out of my room.

What is he doing?

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