Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I sat at the lunch table just outside of the schools cafeteria, playing with my food, I soaked up the much needed sunlight and breathed the clean fresh air in deeply. Trying to set my mind at ease. It's been three days since me and Jay Carter had coffee today. Three days since his big reveal.

Three days since I've seen him. Staring at the oak tree, I contemplated seeking him out, planning what I would say but in the end all is useless when I didn't know what to do? Did I want to walk down this road of a taboo love? It's rather appealing and theirs just something sexy about being forbidden. Then there is the consequences, emotional scaring, jail, condensending eyes. Something I'm used too but is he? I have always been the worrier no matter what, considering others before myself.

Sighing I slumped forward and picked at the mashed potatoes on my tray. "They need better food in this place, like a burger or something", muttering to myself. "A burger sounds good! How about we go grab one at the diner later Bry-bry?" came Cheryl's ever present enthusiasm, some day's I wish I had that. I watched her sit down in front of me.

"Sure sounds good, anything is better than god knows what this is" I looked on disgusted as I dropped a huge glob of mashed potatoes onto the tray. Cheryl giggled and for some reason that always made me feel better. I smiled back.

The bell rang loud against my ear drums, lunch was over.

"What's your next class?" Cheryl questioned.

"Mythology" I said, throwing my bag over my shoulder, and getting up. "Oh fun I love that class!" came her sing along voice. I smiled at her. 

I LEANED ON my desk in mythology 101 class, many students conversed amongst eachother, loudly like not one of them was raised decently and they were all monkeys. Ten minutes later the teacher walks in and like obedient dogs they all shut up. I roll my eyes at this. Seems like no one is any different than the other. Exceot for Cheryl, I still often wonder why people don't like her. I wonder if one day she will tell me.

"Good afternoon class"

"Good afternoon Mr. Horas," they all said in unison. Yep this school is run by androids. God help us all.

"Today we will be breaching the subject of North American indiginous folklore: Skin Walkers" He said writing it down on the chalk board. I cocked my head to the side a little curious. "Can anyone tell me what a skin walker is?" he said turning to the class, his eyes roaming over us looking for anyone who had any ideas. Not a single person raised their hand.

"Well a skin walker has the ability to transform into any form, usually taken the form of an animal. In some legends it is said that they require a pelt of the animal they so choose, they draw off it to transform, but in other cases this wasn't a huge factor. In modern times, they adorn pelts cause it gives them away as skin walkers" he paced up and down the isles. I was captivated. I couldn't help but remember my dream.

THAT AFTERNOON when school was out, you could find me and cheryl down at the good old diner, Cheryl wasn't working today, so we decided to a enjoy a good old hearty meal together. Big cheesy greasy burgers, that just screamed come fill my weins with your fat and let me die happy. It was absolute perfection.

"So good" I mumbled out between a few bites of the cheeseburger.

"I know! let the cardiac arrest begin!" she giggled. She was so cute, and it still bugged me on why everyone had such a hate on such a nice beautiful girl. I wouldn't ask, I promised that.

"So tell me Cheryl, how are you and Jay related?" I asked reaching for a French fry and shoving it in my face, there was just something so satisfying about greasy food that carrots and lettuce just couldn't comprehend.

"Well, you know he is my uncle" she whispered taking a bite of her double bacon cheese burger, grease and ketchup dripped down the side of her face, I couldn't help but chuckle at her child like attitude it was refreshing. 

"Of course ... mothers side? or fathers side?"

"Oh fathers side of course, my mother is an only child .... My fathers family was born and raised in this town ... my mom is from the big city" 

"So where the hell has he been? He tells me he feels attracted and then he just disappears?" I question, taking a sip of my coke and looking around the diner of the same people I saw every day.

"He is probably up in his cabin in the mountains, embarassed ...He'll come down soon" she said laughing, then looked at me seriously, "Or I'll go up there and get him." 

"Your so cute" I laughed, and smiled good naturedly at her. She really was the best friend I could ever have. 

(( Hey guys, I'm sorry it's taking so long for me to update, Ive been working alot, hard to find time to write when you work 7 days a week -- but I will do my best!!! Enjoy this Chapter!))

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