Chapter One

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Here we go:) please tell me if you do/don't like it.....criticism is openly welcome. I need feedback!

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Hannah's POV-

"Mom!! You are so annoying! When are you actually going to realize we don't want you here! JUST LEAVE.."

I felt so bad after that day, but I couldn't get it back. My mom really did leave.....forever.

I think it was my fault, well, now it's obvious. But only I know what happened, the court don't even know yet. But if I get found out, I'll go to jail. Right? Ugh.

I slipped out of the house, desperately trying not to wake up my little brother, Marco.

Oh.....I haven't told you about myself have I? Well...HI!!! My names Hannah, I'm 17 and I live in Mullingar, Ireland. Ok, yes. THE Niall Horan was born here, but I don't think I'll ever have a chance to meet him, save any of them. *sigh*

Anyway, back to me:) I wasn't born in Ireland, I'm naturally American, but when my mom died, seeing as I never knew I had a dad, me and Marco had to borrow some money from the council so we could have our own place. I'm 18 next week, so hopefully I'll buy this house and finish renting it.

Anyways. I walked down the wet, mossy garden path and make my way through the secret gate right at the back. Well, it wasn't secret, but Marco used to think that because it was hidden, that it was secret. He's so cute,

I slipped through the gate, which led to the back of the bakery. I climbed over the smallish fence that separated the back from the front. Thankfully it was dark, so no one could see me. I decided to go in the bakery, I still has some money left from paying the rent, we needed food desperately anyway. I bought two loaves of warm, white bread, and some cakes.

Holding my bag, I saw a group of what looked like teenagers, which I hastily avoided. Well.....tried to anyway. I has to go past them to get back through the gate, which judging by their noise and actions, was not going to be easy.

I waited until they quietened down a little, and made my attempt to got through the gate.

As I was halfway to my success, I heard a thick British accent call out.

"Hey, you! Wait up a second" I stopped and turned around to face this figure. What the hell are you doing Hannah! I thought, he could rape me, kidnap me at the least. But there was something about his voice that I noticed. It was so recognizable, even in the dark.

He was finally stood infront of me. I could just make out a head of curls. He was definitely taller than me, a good 2 or 3 inches. Maybe a head taller.

"Phew, I didnt think you were going to stop!" I do recognize his voice!

"Yeah, um can I help you?" I asked politely, not wanting any trouble today.

"Yeah, um, seeing as Ni- no my bestfriend's parents our on a business trip, we were looking for somewhere to stay until we have to go back on to-." I cut him off.

"A place to stay? Well, you could always stay with me. I mean, you don't have to, but it's only me and my baby brother and we get awfully lonely."

"What, really? Thank you! Stay there, wait, no, come with me! I need to tell the others!" He sounded so excited. As he grabbed my cold hand, engulfing it with his warm one, the sparks were uncontrollable.

Harry's POV-

Hopefully, this girl didn't recognize me until we at least reached her house. I grabbed her hand and immediately my body's nervousness was replaced with never ending sparks, sending my brain wild.

I took her to the guys, knowing she would never feel the same way. *sigh*. The boys were waiting outside the bakery, hopefully no one had noticed them.

"Hi guys! This" She cut me off there.

"Hi, I'm Hannah!" Just her voice alone actually made me feel like I couldn't control these sparks and butterflies.

"Yeah, Hannah offered us to stay at her place until we need to go back! Can we?'

I heard Liam laugh, hopefully a sign that he would say yes. I really want to know Hannah before we have to leave next month.


Hi! Ok, so, admit it. It was crap-,-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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