Chapter TwentySeven (27) The Last Day of School

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"They got nothin' on your eyes, eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh oh..."

I woke up to my alarm playing my boyfriend's new single, 'Your Eyes'. I lazily rolled over and unlocked my

iPhone. "I won't be waking up to my alarm for the next 6 weeks!" I said to myself as I smiled. I collected myself onto my legs and gave them a few seconds to adjust to the weight that's sudenly being forced upon them. I walced downstairs to greet my parents.

"Morning Mum! Morning Dad!"

"Why so happy?" asked Dad smiling. "Duh, it's the last day of school!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm sending you to a camp all holidays."

You've got to be joking...


"Nah, I'm just messin' with ya."

I sighed of relief.

"You can do whatever you want, honey."

"Want a cup of tea?"

"Yes thanks, Mum."

I raced upstairs, earger to get ready for the last day. I opened my wardrobe to grab my uniform... "Hang on... Today's non-uniform day! Yes!"

I scavenged through my clothes trying to find somthing to wear, not caring if it was 'appropriate'. What are they gonna do? It's the last day. I finally picked out a hot pink skater skirt, black cropped singlet with thick straps, knee high white socks and my pink vans that Jai managed to get RedFoo to sign, to match my skirt. I put on my everyday makeup which consists of BB cream, bronzer, mascara and lipgloss.

"Brooke, your cup of tea's ready." "Coming!"

I raced downstairs and inhaled my cup of tea. I went back upstairs to continue to get ready. I packed my bag but only bothered to pack one book even though I have 4 different classes. "Eh, it's the last day of school." I zipped up my bag and put it at my door. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I glanced over at the clock. "Shit, my bus gets here soon." I hung my bag over my shoulder, ran downstairs and rushed out the door. "Bye!" I yelled behind me. As I saw my bus approaching, I took my bus pass out of my pocket, ready to show the driver.

"Bus pass please?" asked the dopy looking driver. I showed him my pass and sat next to Tamara.

"Why isn't anyone excited? It's the last day of school!"

"No clue! Let's get them in the mood!" Tamara pulled out her ipod and a packet of lollies.

"I'll play some tunes and you hand out the lollies!" I threw handfulls of lollies to each individual person. "Come on people! It's the last day! Get excited!" Tamara and I both yelled. Some people smiled, some just shrugged and blocked their ears, and some even danced. As we pulled up to our school, I handed the bus driver the remaining lollies and thanked him for tollerating us. Tamara and I got off the bus and walked to the office. We gave the office ladies a block of chocolate each and the principle, a bunch of flowers.

"Thank you girls!"

"It's okay! Have a good day!" I yelled as we walked out and headed to form class.

As the teacher marked the roll she came to a name that did not reply with a 'here'. "Jai? Jai Waetford? Has anyone seen Jai?" she asked looking around the room.

"Brooke would know." shouted someone.

"Nope. Sorry, haven't seen him. But, if he doesn't show up to the beach party tonight, I'm gonna kil him." I joked.

Form ended and everyone went to Engish. Tamara and I were standing around waiting for the teacher, when the bitch of the school came up to me. "Jai's probably got his tongue down some girls throat." she smirked.

"No I haven't." spoke Jai's little voice. He was obviously standing behind her this whole time.

"Oh, Jai.. I was uh, joking!"

"Jai!" I yelled. I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Do that in your own time, thank you, Mr Waetford and Miss Denaro." "Sorry, Ms." Jai and I both apopologised as we pulled away.

English and Maths passed fairly quickly and now it was lunch.

"Is everyone coming to the beach party tonight?" I asked my group. "Yeah!"

"For sure!"


"I'll be there!"

"Babe, I'm going to the canteen. Come?"


Jai and I walked, hand in hand, before something awfully familiar caught my eye.

"No way!"

I dropped my hand out of Jai's. "What?" Jai asked, puzzled. But before I could answer him, I bolted.

"LUKE?!" I yelled as I jumped into his arms. Luke had dirty blonde hair with gorgeous blue eyes.


"Am I interupting something?" asked Jai.

"Uh..No." I replied as Luke let me down.

"Jai, this is my bestfriend from Primary school, Luke."

"Nice to meet you." Luke said as he shook Jai's had.

"Luke, this is Jai, my boyfriend."

"Oh, you're that Jai Waetford kid! The high-pitched one!"

"Uh, yeah... 'Jai, the high-pitched one'..." Jai replied, clearly affected by Luke's use of words.

"Um, so... Luke, wanna come to this beach party tonight, to celebrate the last day of school?"

"Yeah, I'd love to. It'll be great to talk to you again." he said, looking up and down at me. Jai instantly clutched my hand. I squeezed his to reassure him that everything is fine.

"Okay well, see you then. Oh and it's at 6:00!" I yelled, as Luke walked away.

"Well, he's rude..."

"Just a bit." I replied.

"Am I really that high-pitched?" he sid looking down at his feet.

"No, baby. You're perfect!" I said, cuddling his arm. "Now, lets go get some food!" I sighed.

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