Jungkook x lemelia: The Crush pt.1

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"Ugh, im so tired" lemelia said as she got home from school. lemelia or lemon as her friend calls her at school, was laying in bed looking at the ceiling just wondering how and what she is going to do for her subscribers. She wanted it to be the biggest surprise for her subscribers[ she still won't tell me even if I start bugging her......tell me lemon bc ik ur reading this... Now back to the story]. She wanted to show her fans how much she appreciates them."I don't know what I should do.......ah I'll think of it later"she gets up from her bed and goes on YouTube and watch a few BTS M/V's. As she is watching this she comes across a video." What is this....."jungkook has a crush" what is this...hold on let me get my tears ready....ok let's do this" she clicks on the video and starts to watch it. The video was one of there recent interviews. They were on ASC and they were talking about there celebrity crushes. " So if u could date any celebrity who would it be and why and it can be anybody". The boys tell Eric about there crushes, turns out J-Hope and Suga likes two of her friends who also make YouTube video's, and then he gets to jungkook." So who is ur crush jungkook". Eric asked, jungkook looks at Eric " well there is this one girl I like she has her own YouTube channel and her YouTube name is Fresh lemonade." Lemelia looks up in shock as she sees one of her videos playing on the screen. "Jungkook has a crush on me". After the video ended she looked at the comments to see what A.R.M.Y has to say about this. " Well prepare for the worst." She scrolls down and reads some of the comments and she was shocked to see that there was nothing but nice comments on the video and that some A.R.M.Y has already ship the two together. She continues to scroll down more to see what they said about her friends and they also ship them.

[ Time skip brought to by BTS comeback trailer.......why you got to kill me for J-Hope.....why... This is why u are my bias weaker.....and I hate it.....but I secretly like it]

Lemelia was currently talking to one of her friends, Miana[me] about the video she watched earlier." So I'm surprisingly jungkook's crush and J-Hope has a crush on you Miana." Lemelia say's to Miana," For real he does.....wow I never thought that any of BTS would watch our videos.....this is exciting." Miana says, lemelia smile's and Laugh's"yea me too...but I wonder how they came across our videos". Miana smile's and looks at lemelia" guess what I got and I really don't know how but I'm glad they did." Lemelia gets up and gets her camera from her desk."yea..but what were u about to say". Miana looks at lemelia." Oh I was about to say that I got us tickets for kcon". Lemelia looked at her friend with huge eyes. She sits her camera down"what!!!". Miana smile's and looks at her while laughing"I said we are going to kcon and we get to meet them too". Lemelia smile's and hugs her. " Well this will be fun I can't wait to go to kcon..... I wonder how they would react if they say us."she said," I don't know but I bet it would be funny."

So this is part one comment if u want a part two or should I stop and never do this again if so it was a waste of time.....and ik that this was bad but if someone did like it(which I doubt they did) tell me if I should do a part two, if so the next part is when lemelia and jungkook meet so let me know[lml bts pun]
- Love Miana

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