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Shay and Colette don't understand the need to want to talk. To get jealous over every conversation she hears.

But, the worst she has a growing pain in her neck which is growing down her back.


"Avia honey time to go to the doctor"  mom says. I sighed as I tried to get up bit I was stuck unable to move. I couldn't feel anything, or see.

"Mom I'm stuck" I barley manage to get out with this throbbing pain.

Eventually, an ambulance came and said I was paralyzed from the waist down and would go blind off and on, and the reason my throat hurt was because of the lack of talking and my vocal chords were getting weaker and weaker. Estimated time was 1 month to live. "NO there has to be something you can do anything I'm begging you PLEASE" My voice was barley audiable. 1 month to live with 86 words left.

A/n wow 2 updates on the same book in one day I must really love you guys more coming your way love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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