Disaster After Disaster

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"Move." I whisper to myself, trying to wipe off my shock. Riley was playing me the whole time, she didn't love me. I know that the cameras were probably all focused on me, seeing as I just overheard a conversation with my supposed lover and the Careers.

I climb down the tree, trying to stop myself from showing any emotion. Idiot! Of course she didn't love me, I shouldn't have been stupid enough to fall for it! I'm such a fool.

The audience was probably on the edge of their seat, eagerly watching the drama unfold. What a good time Claudius Templesmith must be having, commenting on what had happened last night, dissecting Riley's actions, my reaction.

I pull on my gear and take off in the opposite direction of the Careers. The sun rises, causing the freezing cold temperature from the night to turn into a beating hot desert. I know I'm dehydrating fast and try my best to remember everything about finding water.

As the day continues, I know I'm in trouble. But I'm determined to keep going until nightfall, trying to find the one thing that'll help me. Eventually, I had to stop and haul myself into a tree.

The anthem plays, showing the picture of the girl from District 8, the one Riley went back to 'finish off'.

Morning brings distress. I stumble around for another couple of hours until I finally have an epiphany. Shawn! He could send me water with just a press of a button. I must have had some sponsors, someone should be able to afford to buy me some water.

"Water." I say in a weak, croaky voice, looking up at the sky, hoping to see a parachute. Nothing. Something is wrong. Was I wrong about having any sponsors? Has Riley's behavior made me lose all of them?

No, I can't believe that. There has to be someone out there that wants to buy me water, but Shawn is refusing to let it go through. I know he doesn't like me, but was his hatred so strong that he was willing to let me die like this?

He can't do that, can he? Is he trying to make me suffer for defying him? Or directing all the sponsors towards Riley?

For whatever reason, I don't think he's trying to kill me off. Maybe he's sending me a message. There's only one reason why Shawn could be denying me water. Because he knows I almost found it.

I force myself to go on, knowing how vulnerable I was right now. Even tiny Auggie could take me out right now. By afternoon, I know the end is coming. Unable to support my weight anymore, my legs give out and I collapse on the ground.

I misjudged Shawn. He had no intention of helping me at all.

At least this was an okay place to die. There's a sweet scent of water lilies, as well as cool mud underneath me. Wait a minute. Mud!

My eyes fly open. I drag myself forward until five yards later, where a small pond was. With the last amount of common sense that I have, I get out my flask and fill it with water, adding drops of iodine to purify it.

Over the next several hours, I slowly but surely drink two gallons of water. When the anthem plays, I feel much better. I climb another tree and settle down for the night.

I'm awoken by the stampede of feet. My eyes widen when I see the wall of fire surrounding me. I quickly fumble with the belt, untying myself and scrambling down the tree, my bag already over my shoulder.

I flee, following all the wild animals. This wasn't some tribute's campfire gone wrong. The fire was at an unnatural height, only possibly made by the Gamemakers. Thing were probably too quiet today, they had to spice things up.

Just when I think I'm safe, that's when the first fireball comes. It narrowly misses my head and blasts into a tree behind me. Oh how the real fun has begun.

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