College Adventures Part 2 (Sam x Reader)

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"I legitimately think midterms are going to kill me."

You were walking across the Stanford campus with your best friend Sam Winchester, trying not to pass out from hunger.

"Really though. I've missed all the sleep I can manage, drank more caffeine in a week than I have in my entire lifetime, and I haven't eaten since last night. I need lunch."

Sam laughed. "Do you want to head back to your place then? We could make something to eat and then study a bit more."

"Sure," you agreed. "But I don't think I can study anymore without my head exploding."

"Get a bit of sleep then. You definitely need it. You look like death."

"Wow, thanks," you laughed. "You're so supportive."

"I try."

Once you got back to your apartment, Sam offered to fix you both lunch while you took a shower. You showered quickly and got dressed before coming down to Sam, who was going through your cabinets with a confused look on his face.

"Y/N, is there a reason you have nothing but ramen noodles and Hot Pockets in your kitchen?"

You blushed. "Um... Well, I don't exactly know how to cook."

Sam started laughing, making you blush even harder. "Shut up! It's not that funny!"

Sam attempted to stop laughing, but he couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

"Why didn't you just say something? We can go over to my apartment and I'll teach you how to cook something."

"You can cook?"

"Yeah. I picked it up after I came here because I was living alone for the first time and I couldn't afford to go out for every meal. Although clearly, there's a way where you don't ever have to do that."

"Don't diss the ramen noodles, Sammy."


A few minutes later, you were at Sam's apartment, watching him pull out ingredients.

"Are you okay with spaghetti?"

"Sounds perfect!" You smiled.

"Okay, so first thing you do is make the noodles..."


After you and Sam finished the noodles, he started to show you how to make the sauce. He helped you add basil, olive oil, and oregano, along with some other things, before he told you to stir. You took the long spoon from him and began to mix the spaghetti sauce slowly.

"Do it a little faster. Here, like this."

He moved to stand behind you, placing his hand over yours and guiding your stirring.

You blushed, trying not to do anything that would make him move away. You both stirred the sauce until Sam took the spoon from you and set it on the counter, turning you around.

"Y/N, I need to tell you something."

You looked him in the eye.

"What is it?"

He opened his mouth, like he was trying to say something, but he couldn't find the words.

"I- I just... Oh, screw it."

He leaned forward, his lips meeting yours and suddenly words didn't matter anymore and neither did anything else. The sauce could have burned, the house could've caught on fire, but you couldn't have cared less because he was kissing you.

He broke the kiss a few seconds later, looking nervously at you.

"I'm sorry, you probably don't even like me. I just-"

He was cut off by you crashing your lips against his again. Smiling into the kiss, he placed his hands on your waist as he kissed you deeply. After a few seconds, you drew back a bit.



You smiled. "I'm glad you learned how to cook."


Part 2! I actually wrote most of this before writing Part 1, and then I had to go back and write the first part. I'm sort of disorganized, but I mean well. ;)
Thanks for reading!

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