Meeting Them

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Sorry about the song ever since forza horizon 3 came out I loved this song so let's go with the story

We we're walking to snowdin we say well try to say hello to this cat called 'temmie' all they said was "Hoi I'm temmie" I was so confused anyway we've made it to snowdin the whole time I was thinking thinking of how I became like this I had to be someone else but I don't know "DARLING!!!!" Shouted mettaton I blinked a few times "y-yes mettaton?" "We're at the skelebros house" "huh? " "it papyrus and sans home" I put my head to the side like a dog he just sighed "you'll see" "ok" we walked up to the door KNOCK KNOCK "who's there?" Said a deep voice behind the door "It's mettaton" "mettaton who?" Said the voice again but I can tell he was trying not to laugh then I but in " you mettanot be messin around" I said trying so hard not to laugh then a door open with a short skeleton wearing a blue hoodie and black shorts and pink shoes "h-h-how?      W-what? I thought I was the only one doing bad jokes and puns" he said I could see mettaton about to blow up from rage and then a tall skeleton came walking he was wearing a orange scarf and something else that I don't know I think it's a battle body but I don't know  "SANS!!!! Why did you do that awful jokes" "it wasn't just m- WAIT A MINUTE THATS A NEW ROBOT!!!" Shouted sans and papyrus together "u-um heya" I said waving "AND SHES A GIRL ,IS SHE RELATED?!" "no no no guys she's not she was just made and she's still a bit wobbly" giggled blooky "ok let's see her soul she would of had one" then everything went black then a Purple Heart appeared and my purple was now gone on my body and all I was was black and gray and a tiny bit white then I heard Alphys "it's ok Violet sans is just seeing how you move and block and fight" "b-but I don't want to fight" then a blue light came towards you and you blocked it with a loud electro song like a blaster but it had like a dj disk in stead of a blaster and it shoots music then bones came to your left and you jumped and shoot music notes to the bones "huh kiddo your pretty good for your first time but can you dodge this?" Said sans then my heart became blue and I started moving backwards then I shoot like rockets but music behind me then I wasn't moving only where I wanted to go I could see sans eye blue and white while I was focusing on his eye I didn't see a bone came shooting at me and a pain shoot across my body and I lost 10 health so I had 90 left "ok now it's on!!" I shouted then my body changes into its battle suit I had my hair go longer and my eyes were changing colours and I had a rocket in one hand and the other like a gun "taste the rainbow bi*ch" I shouted and the gun I had shootout a rainbow blaster it got sans but he had one health left "your lucky I didn't kill you I supposed to do that" I said and changed back to normal an the fight ended.

Jeez that was so long sorry about that anyway STAY AWESOME GUYS AND STAY GREEN!!
-Rhiisgreen 💚

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