Chapter 1

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"Now it's time to start your coursework" the teacher stated. He lacked enthusiasm just as much as he lacked dress sense. He was an old man around the age of 50 his deepened wrinkles around his forehead showed frowning was admittedly one of his hobbies.

"I will put you into pairs and you need to come up with a presentation, on anything you want" looking directly at the cluster of boys in the back right hand corner. "And keep it clean" looking back to the rest of the class he sighed and picked up a scrunched up piece of paper. Frowning once again as he picked up a pen he wrote something down whilst the class sat silently each child praying to be with someone who they got on with.

One boy Kate really couldn't stand to be placed with was Chris Tucker, he had a reputation of not doing much work, although Kate was sure she could do a good job at this presentation it did not mean she would be doing all the work.

Kate sat there listening to her classmate's names being read out with the hope of getting a good partner getting slimmer and slimmer.

The project partners were boy girl, Kate had hoped to get placed with Alfie her best friend. She had known Alfie for as long as she could remember; the two had grown up together. They had done everything together. Alfie was part of the football team which meant he was labelled as 'cool' yet he had never changed acting the same was he always did.

That's what Kate loved about him he was so down to earth.

"Alfie, Kim you're together" Kate's head shot round to look at the girl sat the opposite side of the room to her at the front. She had beach blond hair she was as red as a tomato. Kim was one of the schools more intelligent students which meant she had no social life. Alfie sent a sympathy glance at Kate. At least Alfie didn't have to go with Chelsea Moore. Kate thought, she had always dislikes Chelsea due to the fact Chelsea wanted Alfie for herself.

She was a grade A bitch.

Alfie had caught Chelsea threatening Kate to back off he got really mad. There was a massive scene in the hallway. Alfie had said "leave Kate alone, I'd never be interested in you so back off" He had then put his arm round Kate and walked off. Kate pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind while she waited patiently for her name to be called. Chelsea didn't talk to Kate again but that didn't mean Kate was out of getting dirty look of Chelsea.

That left one other boy Kate was hoping to be placed with. Martin. He wasn't exactly one of the most popular boys but he managed to balance having a good social life and excellent grades. She looked over at martin wondering how he managed to get good grades all of the time.

"Martin, Samantha you're together" great. Although Kate was disappointed on missing out on the A she knew she could get she was happy for her other best friends Samantha to get a good grade.

Unlike Kate Samantha was not one for worrying or stressing out when it came to getting good grades. Once Kate had met Samantha on the first day of high school the immediately clicked, the 'troublesome duo' as Kate and Alfie's parents called them became an inseparable trio. Both of her friends had partners'.

"Kate, you're together" this snapped Kate out of her daydream. She looked up her face the perfect picture of confusion. She had missed who she was partners with. She knew Mr Evan wouldn't stop to tell her. He carried on going through the list. Kate sat anxiously looking round the room. Samantha gave Kate an apologetic look. This aggravated Kate further as she did not know who she was with.

Kate waited till everyone had filed out of class, her heart dancing in her chest making her even more nervous to find out who her partner was.

"Sir, I didn't quite catch who my partner was could you tell me please?" The old man didn't look up only sighed, muttering to himself how the youth of today had no respect and should listen more.

An annoying nokia ringtone rang through the classroom. "Hold on" Mr Evan said before taking out his brick and bringing it up to his ear. The classroom was silent.

"I can't hear you hold on" Mr Evan said to the phone whilst walking out leaving Kate to wonder just how deaf he was. She could feel a presence behind her but did not dare to move.

"Hello, partner" She recognised that voice all too well.

"Pinch me I'm having a nightmare" she muttered under her breath. She turned around to come face to face with the schools notorious bad boy. Could her life get any worse? She thought to herself.


I sat back proud of what I had written so far on my new story. Everything had been carefully planned out, I was ready to keep writing. This year I was going for a romance. In my mind I knew exactly what I wanted to write it was just the case of how to write it. None of my friends knew that I liked writing and I intend to keep it that way. It was one of my secrets. I grabbed my coffee and took a sip it tasted unusually sweet for coffee although I didn't mind caramel coffee was the best. I just don't remember putting caramel in it? Looking back to my screen I could not see what I had written the words had started to blur, my eyelids felt heavy.


I looked around but all I could see was black. Panic went through me. Was I blind? I tried feeling around and screamed when my hand toughed something wet and hairy. I could make out the faintest shimmer of light along the floor where the doorway must be. This room smells of lemons and cleaning detergent, not what it is supposed to. Mum had bought forest fruits air freshener as it was summer and my favourite. I felt around the walls for the light switch. I pushed the switch and light flooded my eyes, I couldn't see for a second. Once my eyes re adjusted I found myself face to face with a range of cleaning detergents and mop. That must have been the hairy thing I touched. I grabbed the familiar door handle and stepped out.

My heart went down to my stomach when I realised I was standing in a school. Not just any school though.

The school I had been writing about. A wall walked into me sending me flying onto the ground. A hand was thrust into my face helping, we get back up. It was Chris. My Chris. This Chris could not possibly be standing in front of me.

This is impossible.

Someone pinch me I'm dreaming.

"Hello..." Chris's voice broke me out of my shock. It sounded exactly like it was meant to be. Smooth and deep.

"Sorry Chris I-" Oh no. Oh sugar. This can't be happening. Now he knows I know his name. How can I explain to him that he is a fictional character?

"The one and only, don't worry about it, next time watch where you're going." I was gob smacked. Yes, this was my Chris. He smirked at me and walked round the corner.

This is perfect, not only can I watch my story come to life but not I get to watch it unfold! I can even get ideas from this. There's only one thing left to do.

Watch the story unfold before me...

I walked back to the door that I came out of and made a silent payer that I could leave the same way that I came.

I walked through the door into blackness...


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