Please Cosplay! Pt. 1 (Maki X Fem!Reader)

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A/N: Maki x reader, as requested by MakTor_Digoneel430

It's been a while, but it is here now, this is part one. Lol it will be a few parts again, even though this is called Love Live Oneshots XD

Enjoy, and leave a comment if you'd like!


"Please! Just once, pretty please?" You pleaded with the crimson-haired girl.

"Aargh, no means no!" She huffed, before quickly walking away. 'Damn it, next time for sure!' you thought.

When you first saw Maki she had intrigued you, and soon after realising why you had- well, let's just say you were known around the school as 'Maki's biggest fan' or 'Maki's stalker'. Not really what you were after, but whatever. If you got what you wanted in the end, it would all be worth it.

What did you want? Well, you were a huge otaku, so what you wanted was... for Maki to cosplay. Ok, but that's not all. You didn't want her to just cosplay. No, you wanted her to cosplay as Lovina. Yeah, Lovina. As in the genderbend of Romano from Hetalia. I mean, seriously! They looked similar, both loved tomatoes, and were both tsundere! It would be the perfect cosplay.

So, since day one you had been following Maki around trying to convince her to cosplay as Lovina. Her personality was already perfect and everything would be perfect if she just dyed her hair brown and wore some contact lenses or something. Heck, if she agreed, you'd even happily buy outfits no matter how expensive. You didn't have that much money, but if it was for that cause you were happy to find a part-time job.

Of course, she had refused, and had continued to refuse every single time afterwards. But that was ok. You were an optimist! You had a strong, unbreakable spirit! You were a super otaku! And you would never give up!

"Uh, dude stop. You're being creepy again." You looked to your side to see your best friend and blushed when you realised you had just been standing alone in the empty corridor, hands on your hips, looking up at the ceiling and laughing triumphantly.

You quickly dropped your hands back to your side and coughed, awkwardly. "Err, sorry. I just kind of... lost myself, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. You do something like this every day," Y/bf/n deadpanned. You just chuckled sheepishly, knowing it was true and there was nothing you could say back in your defence.

"What can I say? I just... you know? Heheh..." you chuckled awkwardly again, and Y/bf/n just rolled her eyes.

"Sure, sure. Let's just hurry up to class. I'm late too now, because I waited for you," she said, walking down the hallway to the classroom.

"R-right!" You quickly scurried after her, realising the hallway was so empty because class had already started.


The bell rang for lunch break and Maki sighed, hastily escaping the classroom and the gaze of that girl, Y/n. As expected, Y/n followed her out of class, once again asking the same question she asked her every day.

"Maki, can you cosplay for me please?" The girl in question sighed again, before turning around and giving the same reply she gave every day.

"Firstly, we're not on a first name basis. Secondly, no! How many times do I have to tell you to get it through your thick skull?"

"Just once, please?"

"No!" And with that, she quickly stormed away to find her friends. Every day, the two ran through the same routine in the morning, during lunch, in classes, in between classes, and after classes. And every time, they repeated the same conversation with slight variants in wording. Maki couldn't help but wonder how the other girl wasn't tired of it yet.

Meanwhile, you went back to the classroom where Y/bf/n was waiting for you and sat down next to her. "No luck, as usual?" she asked.

You grinned sheepishly. "No luck."

"Why don't you just give up already? It's clearly never going to happen. Why do you exhaust yourself trying like this? There's other characters that can be cosplayed by other people."

"I just..." you sighed and thought for a while. "Maybe you're right. I still don't really want to give up just yet though, you know?"

She nodded thoughtfully. "True, I'm actually amazed you haven't given up on this yet, you give up so easily on everything else."

"Well I mean, if it relates to my hobbies..."

Y/bf/b laughed and shook her head. "Idiot. It's ok to admit defeat. Don't sweat it, there's lots of other things you can do."

"Yeah, you're right," you nodded, smiling, and then stood up, holding your hand up. "I, Y/n, officially give up on trying to get Maki to cosplay as Lovina!" you declared loudly. Only to realise afterwards that there were other people in the classroom also having their lunch and they were all now looking at you.

You cleared your throat awkwardly but before you could go to sit down, someone started clapping and soon everyone else joined in to applaud you.

"Err, thank you thank you," you bowed a few times before sitting down again, while Y/bf/n just facepalmed from her seat.

"Well anyways, you'd better stick to that pledge. No chasing idols tomorrow."

"Aye sir!"

-The next day-

The first thing Maki noticed the next day when she went to school in the morning was the lack of Y/n, running and following after her.

'S-strange, is she away today?' She looked around casually, seeing Y/n up ahead animatedly chatting with her best friend Y/bf/n. 'Huh, so she's not away.'

Maki walked up to Y/n and tapped her on the shoulder. "Does this mean you've finally given up chasing me?"

"Oh, Maki! Yeah, I'm giving up now. Don't worry, I won't be annoying you any longer!" you grinned.

"G-good! About time, you've been bothering me for ages." She looked away, trying to suppress the pang of guilt that arose when she saw a look of hurt flash across your face.

"Yeah, sorry about that," you smiled sheepishly, "Well anyways, we'd all better get to class hey?"

"Y-yeah," Maki mumbled, quickly walking away.

She should've been thankful, so why did she feel disappointed?

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