Chapter 8.

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!@#$%^&* my head hurts as hell much drinks did i have. I can barely remember a things and apparently i got one of em !@#$%^&*. She's lying face down so i cant see her face. must have been a long  night.  I was called out from my thought by sobs.. well sleeping beauty woke from her slumber. i turned to look at the girl just  to meet face to face with a crying EVA . WHAT THE HELL!! "You jerk!!!' she said hitting me with a fist full of pain.

"You took advantage of me, how could you do that ?"she said sobbing between each word

"Eva I'm sorry, you know id never hurt you. I love you" still crying she slapped me right across the face. I wasn't pumped up bout the slap but i swear it broke me to see her like that, she looked wrecked.There were bags under her eyes her hair a complete mess and her makeup rolled down her face.

"This,'she said gesturing at her self " is not how you treat someone you love"she said as she stormed outta the room. i tried to run after her but !@#$%^&*, i was in just underpants.


Eva's POV

I feel totally helpless , I have no idea on where I'm going or who to call. I can't call the girls cause well my"posse" as people call it is my social life; we might call ourselves besties but we ain't that close besides I can't let them see me like this. Just one little twit flash and my entire effort on building a social life could go down the drain. I can't call Fabian cause he's going to think I'm weak and helpless and make fun of me, worst of all he could demand explanations and that's one thing I can't give.

I realized where I was only when I saw a really bright light and heard tyres screeching I tried moving but I was simply stuck to that spot . I closed my eyes to prepare for the impact before the car came to a complete halt. My vision went blurry and all I could see was a male figure before I went into total darkness.


"I think she's waking up"

"I'm sorry but I'd need you to leave"

"Shhhhhhh she's waking up"

"I know that's why-"

"Hush up"

I battled with the ache in my head and eyelids that just couldn't stay open. A figure stood in front of me and I heard a small laugh.

"Wow, you can't just do without me can you?"I blinked severally trying to figure who it was.Fabian , just who I wanted to see.^_^note the sarcasm.

"I leave you for a day and you almost get yourself killed"he continued 

"It was just an accident "I replied rather weakly. I wasn't in the mood to think of a good comeback.

"Which would have been worse if I wasn't a good driver usted es la señorita de bienvenida"he said taking a bow. Boastful much.

Pouring a glass of water he said"anyways you need to rest. The doctor said he were quite tensed" finally something good about Fabian being here. I really needed the water.

"Thanks" I said stretching my arms out to reach of the glass before Fabian pulled it back to himself.

"Oh this"he said taking a sip of water" for me"

"But I'm the ill one here"

"That doesn't mean I don't get to drink water"

"You are rude"I responded crossing my arms over my chest.

"So are you Harley ". Did he just call me Harley.


"Ya Harley, your name"

"My name is not Harley "

"I'm sorry Jessica?"

"No"I yelled getting frustrated .

"Calm down, Joey right"

"Oh my lord"I can't believe he doesn't know my name. I wonder how many girls he sees a week.

"I'm sorry, don't take this the wrong way but what's your name again"

" you are unbelivable"

"You are yelling"

We were cut short of our agrument by a sound coming from the closet.

"What was that ?"I asked curious to see what was behind that door but there is no way I'm going in there. What if the hospital is hunted and ther are ghost in the closet that eat pretty girls.

"I'm sure it's nothing important"

"What if it is"

"It's nothing just lie down, you need rest"

"Okay, but what'd the doctor say"

" you are pregnant"


"Relax I'm kidding besides I'm pretty sure you are still a virgin" 

"You don't know that" 

"So you aren't "he said giving me a sly look

I thought hard of a reply to give that won't exactly give out any more info." I am not disclosing any personal information to you. You are supposed to be a bodyguard not my psychiatrist or therapist. So go right ahead and tell me what the doctor said."

"Nothing much"

"Where's he"

"Well it's a long story"

"What do you mean, I heard you talking to him ;I think"

"Ya but he kinda wanted me to leave so I kinda maybe mind have -"

"Oh no no no no, did you kidnap him or throw him off the top of the building or worse ......did you kill him"

"Can you not be so melodramatic, I simply locked him in the closet" simply?

"Go get him now"

"I ain't your mama"

"Ya right, but you work for me so go get him"

"Actually I work for your mum not you but I'm gonna get him. Only because I want to"

"What ever just do it ".

Holding on to the knob, Fabian let out a loud exhale before pushing it open.a frightened man who appeared to be in his mid thirties stood with his hands tied and mouth taped. Fabian then turned to look at with the'whats next' expression written all over his face." Carry on". He pulled the tape from the doctors mouth and he (the doctor) let out a scream.

"Don't be a girl" Fabian mocked. Mimicking his scream in a girly-er voice.

"Fabian , apologize"

"Nah, I don't feel like it at the moment"

" it's no problem miss " the doctor said." Your boyfriend has quite the temper" he said rubbing the mark on his wrist. Wait, what? Boyfriend? Please? Like I'd ever date someone like him.

" ya but he's not my bo-"

"I am aren't I sweetheart " Fabian interrupted pulling me for a hug.

" miss please ensure to keep away from stress and you ....." the doctor said motioning towards Fabian" where you suck on , you gave her quite the hickey "


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