A really fucked up day

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Hey guys Rock_popper here, so this is my first fanfic. YAY!!!!!
So please go easy on me if there is a spelling error of something
I do not own left 4 dead or the charters (except for Rahim) there is tones of YAOI and male X male.
So enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rahim knows he's probably the last one alive.

To his utter surprise he still can't believe that he's made it this far through the outbreak, but there's always this little voice telling him to just stop.

He doesn't want to though, he isn't going to ever stop, but his father use to tell him that dreamer's can't dream to big.

But hey look at him now, surging through this new unholy world with only his mind an wits, but everything isn't so bad....well except for the undead horde and zombies known as "special infected" or even the fact that has death has practically knocked on his door more than a hundred times.

He can't really understand why everything has gone the way it has, with the CDEA announcing a nation wide pemdemic know as the "green flu". It swept through the country in a matter of weeks, hell maybe even days.

He was at home with his family of four at the time, his always so moody dad, his mother that would scowled him for the smallest thing and his uptight older brother.

and he was there when he saw each one of them die a hideous death.

It utterly destroys him when his memory flickers to that day, but he just buries it deep inside his head and shuts it away knowing that he's going to have a mental breakdown, sometimes he can still hear them scream their lungs out while infected nawed on the bodies, ripping chunks and pieces of  flesh and blood just going everywhere

He couldn't leave them, not while he still had a chance to save them, but when he had heard his brother scream at him to run, it was as though that little voices in his head finally woke up.


So he ran, he ran as far as could until he collapsed from exhaustion and soon after passing Out on the dirt floor below him, when he woke up he felt so numb.....so heart stricken and aimless But not dead, definitely not dead.

But all alone.
Rahim awoke in the safe room with a startled jump, he though he had heard an all to familiar cough come from a  "special infected" called a smoker through the red barricaded door, he gave an urgent scan of the room then Glancing outside the door, nothing for now.

patting himself  while standing up from his sleeping bag, because when you slept on the floor you bound to get a bit dirty, he flexed his arms behind his head giving a quick jerk before hearing his back crack, he gave a satisfied groan then quickly stumbled out from his sleeping bag which had caught on his foot.

Growling from his stomach caught his attention,  so he waltzed around the room until he came to a small box that way tucked away in a corner, grabbing a packet of chashews and a bottle of water he plopped down on a foldable chair, he quickly devoured the food and gulped down the water.

Getting up he started looking through the small cabinets that hung on the walls of the safe room, but he sighed in annoyance and closed  the cabinet door, he had to leave this little safe haven and go outside and get food.

He hated going outside but with no other choice but starving to death in the small room he quickly began gearing up, grabbing his shotgun a medkit and a pipe bomb and strode his way to the large red door while taking a deep breath.

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