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A/N: Just some cute fluffy one shot I've been trying to finish for like,, months. 


"She's here again,"

Clarke looks up from the cash register and follows her best friend's gaze towards the window. Then she sighs, because indeed, she is.

See, the thing is; Clarke works in a bakery with Raven Reyes. They've been working shifts together for the past two years and things are great. Clarke really loves the bakery and she loves the people (and the pastries). But almost every day there's this girl that walks past the bakery and she gets stuck staring at one of Clarke's famous pastries every single time.

She never buys one, though.

It kind of freaks Clarke out a little bit. Because, sometimes, the girl will look at her and Clarke will smile and then the girl will basically rush off. It's a bit odd. But Clarke can't help but be oddly interested in the brunette.

"I still want to know why she always stares at your pastry, but leaves as soon as you look at her," Raven mutters, shoving another piece of cake into her mouth.

"You know you're not supposed to eat all of that, right?" Clarke sighs, resting her hand on the counter and tilting her head to the side, "And I don't know either. Why don't you ask her?"

"Why don't you ask her? You're clearly the one she's afraid of."

Clarke frowns, "Why would she be afraid of me?"

"You're pretty intimidating sometimes," Raven says with a shrug of her shoulder, "I can't blame her,"


Then Raven laughs softly and shakes her head, "I'm just kidding, you're like a puppy,"

"Stop comparing me to animals, Raven. It's getting scary,"

"Fine, princess,"

Clarke rolls her eyes and looks back to the brunette, who's now looking at Clarke. Clarke tries to smile, because the girl is looking at her like she's waiting for something, but then the girl looks back towards the pastry before turning on her heel and walking away.

Clarke just frowns, because she can't remember if the girl ever smiled back.


Clarke is starting to get annoyed.

So annoyed that she's actually waiting for the girl to arrive, because she's got one of her pastries packed in a little box and she's about to hand it over to her. Hoping it will get her to stop the girl from standing there and just simply staring at it again.

Clarke tries to stop herself from wondering why the girl does it anyway.

It seems a bit odd, honestly. Going up to a bakery only to stare at something for a few minutes and then walk away again. Raven often makes fun of her for it and even though it makes Clarke laugh, she can't help but be curious.

So when she sees the girl approaching again, she grabs the box and tells Raven she'll be right back. She takes her apron off and walks towards the front door, only opening it when the girl is close enough.

Their eyes meet almost immediately and the brunette freezes when she realizes Clarke is stepping closer. Clarke notices the way her body tenses and jaw locks and fists clench and she almost feels bad. Almost, because the girl is staring at her with wide, innocent eyes and there's a tug at her lips that makes Clarke want to make her smile.

one shots || clexaWhere stories live. Discover now