Chapter 2: "New friends and old friends"

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Uni's POV

I walk to the deli with slight fear that my uncle was watching me. I walk into the deli to get a bottle of Arizona and a small bag of chips. I was gonna pay for the chips and juice until I turned around and bumped into someone again! I accidentally dropped the juice and chips but they didn't spill or open. I look up to see brown haired guy with a sweater that had an M on it.

Uni: "S-Sorry I didn't mean to-

????: "It's fine. Are you ok?"

Uni: "Y-Yeah I'm f-fine"

????: "Are you sure? You're studdering. My name is Nick by the way"

Uni: "Y-Yeah I'm fine. M-My name is U-Uni"

Nick: "Uni? Hey Uni it's me Nick!"

Uni: "I know you just told me you're name"

Nick: "Don't you remeber me? Uni it's me....Nick. I was you're friend"

Uni: "N-Nick?"

I couldn't help but cry for being reunited with Nick. He was my first and only friend. He moved away though and left me all alone. He knew about my uncle and about me cutting.

Stop crying it won't do anything. Crying is for cowards like you.

I hugged him and at first he was shocked but then hugged me back.

Nick: "Why are you crying? I'm here now aren't I?"

Uni: "D-Don't leave me a-alone with h-him"

Nick: "I promise I won't.....ever again"

He will leave you like he did before. They will always leave you alone to be consumed by the darkness inside you. That darkness is me.

We stayed there for a little while until I stopped crying. When I stopped crying we just talked like nothing happened we also payed for the food. I felt like I was a normal kid. Until Nick brought up a question I was hoping he wouldn't ask.

Nick: "Uni are.......are you still you know *whispers* cutting?"

I hesitate and slowly nod my head. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. Nick grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out the deli. He brings me outside to some kind of forest. It was like a forest but not with many trees but there were no buildings or cars all of it was pure silence. I admired at how beautiful it looked I even smiled. Nick stood in front of me looked me in the eyes and had a strait face. My smile faded away into a face that showed that I was scared.

???? POV

I was walking around the school until I spot two people in the forest-like area behind the school. I noticed that it was that cute boy from earlier and Nick. What was Nick doing with the cute guy? Nick started to talk and I couldn't help but listen.

Nick: "Uni stop hurting yourself. It won't do anything"

So thats his name? Uni....I love it it really suits him.

Uni: "I know it won't but i-it helps me"

Nick: "How does it help you?! All it's doing is hurting you!"

Uni: "B-But it makes me f-feel better"

Nick: "Uni it's doing nothing but hurting you! It may make you feel better but it's not!"

Uni: "B-But-

Nick: "Uni STOP- *takes a deep breath*.....give me it"

Uni: "Give you what?"

Nick: "You know what I'm talking about. I'm helping you Uni. It's for your own good. Give it to me"

Uni: "N-No i-it h-helps m-me a-and I-I d-don't h-have i-it"

My Cuts Are What I Had Before I Meet You #NewscapecomicsWhere stories live. Discover now