No Rest For The Wicked

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We are made wise not

by the recollection of our past,

but by the responsibility for our future.

July 23th, 1994

Branksome Road 24, London, Great Britain

The sun had just set and the air was humid. It had been another hot, summer day in London. The day had been unusually warm as she wiped away the sweat off her forehead. The large half-moon casually hung over the Brixton suburbs. People were still hiding from the heat. The streets were unusually quiet as her eyes unconscionably sought out any sudden movements. Her right fingers were steady and calm, carefully wrapped around her wand inside her ripped jeans.

The only sound were the black heels clicking on the pavement. Even though she knew how late she was for her appointment, she didn't hurry. She had received the first letter requesting her presence six weeks ago. In reply, she had ignored it, packed her bags and moved up north to York. She had received the second letter only two days after staying in that country house. It took six letters and one Phoenix Patronus to finally convince her to meet up with her old headmaster.

Her feet stopped in front of number twenty four. It was a regular townhouse but the front door was painted pink. Her eyes shifted from left to right once again to spot anything unfamiliar. When she finally decided things were safe. The instructions he had sent her in the letter were clear. Three short rings and two knocks. She thought she was lucky that she payed attention in muggle studies. Her forefinger pressed against the button in three short movement and when her fist finally made contact with the wooden door, she immediately felt the magic overpowering her.

Protection enchantments. 'How utterly charming of him' She thought, biting back the sarcastic comments.

The door opened by itself as she stepped inside. It immediately closed behind her with one loud swift. "Haven't seen the man in more than ten years and he can't even open the door for me." She mumbled, her green eyes taking in the interior of the hallway. It wasn't big. There was one rotating staircase on the left. She could spot family pictures on her right. This was a muggle's house, the photographs didn't move. A young married couple proudly beamed into the camera.

"Ah young love, the consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and a richness to life that nothing else can bring." Her eyes immediately shifted towards the source of the voice.

He hadn't changed much. His beard was slightly longer but his blue eyes still held that familiar twinkle she had seen during her Hogwarts years and the first war. She used to love that twinkle, the way he always held back a smile for her. It was after years of collaboration that she finally realized his constant need of self-regard. He didn't smile for her, he smiled for himself. He used his twinkle to get what he wanted. "Albus, your head's been up in space for way too long. It's time to come to earth."

He crooked his head at her with a held back smile and let his eyes roam over her in a friendly way. "I can see you haven't changed much. You look good, Eleonore. I'm glad you've decided to come." She watched how he turned on his feet. "Let us have a cup of tea."

She let out an annoying huff as her feet followed him down the hallway and into a cozy, family kitchen. "I see you've decided to take over another muggle home for your own interests."

"This particular family is on holiday in Barbados. It is very beautiful this time a year. I didn't see any harm in using their home for a couple of days." He smiled at her, flicking his wand in the air. Two cups of tea immediately placed themselves on top of the kitchen table and filled itself with hot steaming tea. "You still don't take milk in your tea?"

"Just a spoon of sugar." She placed herself onto the wooden chair and watched how her former headmaster occupied the seat right across from her. "I don't have much time. What is it that you need from me?"

An invite from Albus Dumbledore never resulted in merely a chat. He always wanted something from her. She had ignored plenty of letters from him in the past years. He usually stopped trying when she didn't reply, this year his efforts were positive, though. "I need you back in the Order."

"I cannot do that Albus, you know that."

The Order Of The Phoenix had managed to take everything dear to her away. She had fought bravely on their sides, she had too many scars to prove it. She had cast too many unforgivables, trying to sooth the pain inside of her. Regret and anger had filled her the second part of entire life because of the Order.

She was bitter because of the Order.

He had asked too much of her. He was asking, again, too much of her.

"He has his mother's eyes, you know." Albus Dumbledore carefully spoke. He knew he was sitting across one of the most fierce witches that ever stepped into Hogwarts. She was a brilliant, cunning witch but Eleonore had a temper. It was one of the reasons the sorting hat had put her into Gryffindor and not Slytherin. He had to study her facial expressions carefully, read her silent communication in order to not get stunned by her. She reacted by instinct, by her heart. He could have used legilimency but knew that her wards would block him off immediately. It would only provoke her further.

Her eyes flashed angrily at him, "Don't speak of her."

"He's back. Tom Riddle is back and he wants Harry." Albus could sense a pang of regret for a second or two in her green eyes but it was pushed aside immediately when she noticed him reading her.

The tea was still standing on the table untouched. Her fists clenched together as she folded her arms. "The Dark Lord is dead."

"Harry has seen him. We need to stand up once again, he'll kill too many. He'll kill Harry. He has taken too many lives already, we cannot let him take more." A silence filled the kitchen. The only thing she could hear was the clock on the wall ticking the seconds away. "Peter is still by his side." At the sound of the rat's name, Ellie clenched her teeth. Albus could spot a fire inside of her eyes. He knew he had her on that one. "You'd be able to kill him."

Her eyes adverted to his. He held his breath for a minute as she spat at him, raging boiling inside of her. "I've been dreaming of it, you know. Hearing him scream in agony. I want him to bleed. I want to see the fear in his eyes as I crucio him to insanity."

The headmaster knew how much Eleonore hated the rat. He was certain she had more rage towards the lord's right hand than anyone else on this planet, including the Dark Lord himself. There was no better way to recruit the woman than to mention the pain she'd be able to bring to his old student. She was the Bellatrix Lestrange to Peter Pettigrew. He knew when it came to James and Lily Potter's betrayer, she'd have no mercy.

Peter had hit too close to home.

Albus knew that Peter Pettigrew feared a lot of people, but he also knew that Eleonore Darensbourg was his number one. He grew up with her, he was part of the Marauders, he was part of the pack. Peter had seen what she was capable of. He knew Peter spoke of her towards the Dark Lord. During the first war, Voldermort had tried to get her on his side time and time again. He had imprisoned, blackmailed and cruciod her by his own hands. She was too valuable to kill. Her bloodline couldn't be spilled, she was too pure. The last of the Darensbourg family line.

Albus was one thing certain; Eleonore Darensbourg would never turn her back on the pack.

Voldemort had taken too much from her.

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