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The year 2929. The seventh world war has finally come to an end, the former United States of America has been savaged by nuclear war for years. The once proud nation now lies in tatters, rebellions sparking here and there as the war survivors begin their revolts against the Government. Most states are uninhabitable due to their radioactivity, people are fleeing their homes, their lives being destroyed. The Government is doing everything they can to help their people, but unfortunately there is very little they can do. America's resources were diminished during the war, leaving them poor and broken. A year after the war ended, the country is at its peak: death, poverty, hunger, America is falling apart. The citizens look to the Capitol for help but find no salvation. The rebellions are becoming stronger and more dangerous, leaving the country on the brink of a civil war, one that will surely destroy them for good. The Government must come up with a solution, and fast. As the threat of another war grows nearer scientist, Dr Kai Graham, found a way to neutralise the threat. He created a microchip that could be inserted safely into a human being, via the base of their skull. This microchip would override their minds and processes, thus giving him control over their thoughts and actions. The chips were programmed to prevent any destructive, dangerous or rebellious thoughts, replacing them with peaceful and calm ones. For the initial clinical trials, some of the most dangerous men in the country were captured and underwent the surgery. Graham's team of scientists found that once the microchips were inserted the men became calmer, not a single rebellious thought left in them. With the success of the microchips the government began producing them in bulk and chipping everyone they could find. Within months the country was stronger than it had been in years. After a few years, Americas population began to climb, their wealth began to grow and cities were constructed in the habitable parts of the country. New laws were created to help keep the peace, one of which stated that at the age of twelve every child would have a microchip inserted.

Years went by, the government continued to control their citizens via the microchips. By removing their freedom of thought, actions and speech, they were keeping them safe. No one was left to argue against them, the whole operation was perfect. That was until they discovered that not everyone had been chipped. In each city a small pocket of rebels started appearing, they were made up of people who had escaped the initial chipping and their descendants. Generations of rebels began to make the Governments life harder, threatening their control over their perfect nation. The rebels were smart, they used school files and IQ tests to seek out the best of the best. Then they would infiltrate the Microchip Monitoring Centres and "switch off" special microchips. By switching off the microchips the rebels released the governments control over that person. A team was then sent in to extract the newly awoken person and they were transported to the rebel headquarters where they joined the rebels numbers and helped them in their plight to overthrow the government. Only teenagers were switched off, adults were too far gone for them to be able to recruit, usually between the ages of twelve and nineteen. Once a child reached the age of nineteen they were assigned their jobs that they would have for life, this made it hard to convince them to give up their lives and join the rebels. Security was upped as rebel infiltration a became more frequent. Guards were stationed all around the centres and the computers and monitors were secured by reams of codes, passwords and firewalls. Each one unique to a person. However this didn't deter the rebels like the Government had hoped, it just slowed them down. They became more and more selective with who they "switched off", only the smartest, most promising candidates were chosen. Break ins became rare as security clamped down but they still happened, a few rebels were caught over the years but they never gave away any information. A couple of times a year, sometimes only once, rebels would manage to switch off a handful of microchips. But it was rare. The Government learned to keep an eye on potential candidates for switching off, sometimes they were able to get to the person before the rebels could and a new microchip would be inserted, rendering them useless. Most of the time they were too late and the person had already been extracted, meaning there was no way the Government could recover them. But this didn't stop them trying.

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