Pain Heals Real

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Hey there! yea, well, this isn't all I'm emo-I'll-cut-my-wrist-ho ho thing, maybe it has too many feelings that you'll find it dramatic.

Newsflash. It contains the truth. 

Reality CHECK: Pain Heals Real.

Been there, done that. 

When you feel like you're not okay..

When it feels like missing a piece of you.. 

When you're thinking you can't go on..

--It'll helps you somehow by reading it. I assure you, You'll be alright after sometime. :)

---Alley Poo.

               It is like twisting a muscle, running unstoppable, jumping off the building and craving for injuries, the process of moving on is indeed PAINFUL. It will make you want to be forgetful, yet the pain reminds you of a wish. Things weren't exactly as easy as it is. To wake up one day remembering only the days before him would've felt better, but still incomplete.  You'll endlessly wish every minute for the time to turns back, look into his eyes the first time, the walk the opposite way; so that your paths never met. If only it is possible, but then the pain will remind you of a wish, it is Impossible.  A glimpse of reflection of a girl, eyes dried of tears, nose stuffy and cheeks with scattered mascara, you'll look undoubtedly wasted. Days will pass, and it will remind you of something that didn't last.Your eyes will get tired of crying, sobs will stop and hiccups; but the memories will want you to shed more. You'll look crazy and weak, and then you'll pity yourself. Pain will make you want for the least, and make you look for the worst. You will feel less until you feel nothing but emptiness.

You'll hope to all right . You'll want to be okay, but then you're not. 

Until you see your untouched make ups, your unused heels, or even your unworn party dresses; then from limping knees, you'll move and stand.  Fix your tangled hair, long plain nails, and added body fats. You'll just wake up one day realizing. You'retired.

It's okay to be left. It's all right that he's gone. It's okay because you know you will be fine. You just have to accept the pain, bear it, and live in tranquility while you're healing. 

Soon you know. You'll be okay. And when you are, you'll laugh like crazy again, eat more once a day, you wouldn't even bother watching dramatic movies.  You’ll have tears in your eyes, laughing about yourself, thinking your slumping-in-the-corner-because-he-left me moment was just one devastating, excruciating and obnoxiously a nightmare that you'd rather want to have a head-bump accident than be reminded of it. 

When you're okay, you'll just laugh at yourself and say, “Oh God! Please tell me I didn't cry over that man!”



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