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Hard to believe that years ago I was just a young girl going to school and getting my best friend who is now my husband we've been through so much together but he's also a solo musical artists now his name is Liam James Payne and he's one of the t...

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Hard to believe that years ago I was just a young girl going to school and getting my best friend who is now my husband we've been through so much together but he's also a solo musical artists now his name is Liam James Payne and he's one of the top pop artists out there

But when we were back in high school we were just best friends good people who started to fall for each other we pretty much grew up together as kids before we were high-school sweethearts I know the real him I know the one behind the scenes and all the ones that hang out with him his best friend's I know what they're like behind the scenes travels all the time with his best friend Zayn Malik who happens to be an R&B artist but they were best friends in school growing up with us like we are now two of them are almost like brothers and their other best friends are surrounded around them to other management people members of their bands they toured together all the time but they have different shows one night Liam's one night  Zayn

It's really good to know that we have each other's backs and these days that's really really great that Zayn as someone her name is Pam and Louis as Danielle and Niall as Kat and Harry as Jennifer those three girls are my best friends by the way and then in college and they met the guys for me of course because I was always there for my husband and I still am no matter what life throws at us will always make it through

Oh how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself my name is Selena when I was just going to school my name was Selena Gomez but today my name is Selena  Payne right now my job believe it or not because I only own fashion line that's what I went to college for but I pretty much work not too far away from where me and my husband live and I didn't even work when I'm traveling with him online because I own the company and we have kids and everything now but it took us a while to get here but I wouldn't trade it for the world no matter what people throw at us me and him can always get through it the one with the friends and family we have that's what matters

Maybe I should take you all the way back to when everything started for us back when we were in highschool to how we got to this point to me going to college and me and my best friends and everything there's a lot that's going on in my life right now but like I said I wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm grateful but I have the man of my life and my life is great but like I said there are people out there in the tabloids to try to bring us down and everything but will never let that happen because if I know one thing's for sure you gotta Stand Tall keep your head up high and never ever let anyone bring you down because that's what love is all about believing in the one you love I remember how everything was when Liam first found out that he was getting his record deal

It was a day like any other day we were in school just chilling relaxing and everything he was one of the best in the music class had Straight A's in everything on the football team has best friends are on the football team with them too they all had Straight A's and pretty much stayed out of trouble nothing wrong with that I mean just because they were the popular crowd didn't mean that they picked on anybody in fact if the head of his friends or anyone being picked on and that they would put a stop to it because believe it or not back when he was in elementary school he used to get bullied very bad so he's been there and he leads by example and everything in high school and that's the best I got to say he is the love of my life and everything but like I said back to when he first found out about his record deal

what was the day like any other day we were all chilling and hanging out at school talking to my best female friends at the time and at that time it turned out one of them was cheating I'm one of those friends and which really hurt us because she and him have been together for a long time it Perrie Edwards she was cheating on Zayn and that really did him dirty but he didn't know about it at the time and neither did we but I caught her that day in a broom closet with another guy and I was the one that had to tell him everything this is how it all was going on I was talking Perrie Edwards  when  Liam  came over to tell me about his record deal when I was talking to her about was what I caught her doing I remember it like yesterday

I was walking down the corridor when all of a sudden I heard this crazy sound coming from the broom closet so I hide to make sure just to see what it was.and  went I look I saw that it was not Zayn that Perrie was coming out of the broom closet with butt Max George and they kissed and she said that she love to go around sneaking around and having fun with him because she said that she likes getting laid every 10 20 minutes here's the thing is she's been in a relationship  for 2 years with Zayn and when she saw that I had caught her and saw that I had taped it on my phone she knew that she was done for

Selena- how in the world could you do that Perrie because you're in a relationship for 2 years and he's been nothing but faithful to you and look what you do yeah sure he may not have done anything sexual with you yet but he wanted to wait to you guys or at least engaged that's manners and respectful of a woman but it turns out you're nothing but a school S*** and don't say that he's not going to believe me when I say this because I got the proof of what I caught you doing now if you excuse me I don't think you belong or circles anymore

Perrie - fine by me because you know what you guys are coming a little bit boring too much anyway you're no fun anymore your bunch of losers

Selena- oh and just so you know I just  taped  this whole conversation and everything to have proof see you around

So with that I walked off to find my boyfriend and his friends because they really need to know this and as I got there I could tell my boyfriend had this great big smile on his face

Selena- hey baby what's that smile for

Liam - I was looking for you baby you know how we did that school talent show last week well there was a record producer there and he loves my song and everything and stuff and he offered me a record deal and he also loved Zayn song song and offered him one too

Selena-  I'm so proud of both of you guys but then I have to tell you guys something or maybe I should show you this and play it for you one bit especially you Zayn

when I play the tape and everything and show them everything I could tell that  Zayn was definitely hurting over it

Zayn - I definitely knew something was up with her because she wasn't answering my calls lately or anything like that and her mom said she was going out with the wrong crowd and everything so I was thinking about breaking up with her because of it and now I have the proof so I'm definitely breaking up with her or I guess you could say and that way she already broke up with me because I told her because you told her not to come around here no more so thank you I can't believe she would do that to me gives me for a minute guys

we all felt really bad for him but we were glad that we were able to catch his ex now because there's no way he's going to want to be with her anymore after that

I knew after that day that everything would be great though because we were going to be living Our Lives the way we wanted to I was going to go to college you make me some friends and everything and then I was going to end up getting married to the man of my dreams I would have thought about that when he finished high school that me and Liam would still be together to this day

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