I was walking home. I had just been hanging out with my friends in the middle of town by the big tree, but it was much later then usual, it was about midnight. While I was walking I heard a scream, it sounded like a little girl "what the heck was that?" I said to myself a bit scared and stared walking quickly in that direction. When I turned the corner to an ally way I saw two guys fighting I immediately recognized the prince. So I climbed up on the dumpster and jumped on the other guys back and wrapped my arms around his neck. After a few seconds of him trying to get me off he finally went unconscious. I checked his pulse and it was still beating."Good I didn't kill him." I said standing up. The prince just looked at me in shock. I can't blame him. I was skinny only weighed about one hundred pounds, but hey, after living in this part of town your whole life. you learn to stand up for yourself and fight.
"What didn't think a girl could take on such a big guy?" He shook his head and I rolled my eyes and stared down walking away picking up my sketch book. Then all of a sudden he called out.
"Hey wait" I turned around to see him coming after me. I stopped waiting impatiently.
"What?" I asked a little more annoyed then I should have "I hope he doesn't get offended." I think to myself.
"What's your name?" He asked looking at my green and grey eyes. I looked at his. They were pure brown.
"The names Nataline " I said a little nicer trying to make up for my rudeness earlier. After saying that he smiled. His teeth were perfect and white like pearls. He was also staring at me.
"What? Is something wrong?" I said a bit confused. I could feel blush creeping on to my face and wished I could control it. It's not like he we were to ever talk again anyway."No.." he replied. "I just thought I would escort you to you house." He said kindly. I was surprised and could feel my cheeks heating up.
"N-no I'm fine if anything I should be escorting you to the castle." I said gently blushing more.
"Are you sure?" He asked. It's dangerous being out on the streets alone." He replied still looking at my eyes. I couldn't exactly tell what he was looking for but I looked down.
"I'm ok." I said turning to walk away sighing softly. Then I felt something grab my hand.
"Good night Lady Nataline." He said kissing my hand. I could feel my face heat up again.
"And good night to you Prince." I said with a small curtsy. I then turned and walked home.

My Cinderella story
FantasyMy name's Nataline. I live in a small village to the south of the castle. I love with my brother who is almost too over protective sometimes but I don't mind. Anyway here is the story of how I, a small town village girl became to be who I am today.