Chapter 14: Realizations

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Mikes POV:
After all of us sitting on my bed in silence for awhile, i suggested we go down to the basement. I made My way down the stairs and did my best to avoid My Mom, in case nancy had told her about our encounter on the stairs.
I went into the basement and tried My best to avoid looking at elevens bed. I knew that i might see her soon, but looking at it would just remind me that todays another day without her. I was beginning to wonder how many more of those i could handle.
Lucas and dustin and will sat down at the table but i stood up and watched bee. She was walking towards the fort.
"Woah, this is kinda cool." she said reacting her arm out to touch it.
"YOU CANT TOUCH THAT" I shouted before i even knew the words were coming out of My mouth. She turned around and i could tell by the look on her face that i frightened her a little.
"oh. Why not?" she said and i looked down, feeling guilty about yelling at her.
"You just cant. Im sorry."
She glanced at the guys and they all just nodded. Her lips tightened.
"My bad." she said and i forced a smile.
"Its okay, you didnt know." I said, still feeling guilty about yelling at her.
We both sat down at the table and she seemed to be sorta on edge.
"What exactly do you guys do here?" she asked.
"I dont know, stuff like, plan bank robberies and hide our enormous amount of pirate treasure" said Dustin and she giggled. He seemed to be the only person she wasn't tense around, but that made sense considering it was Dustin and he was like a human bunny rabbit.
"Will, could you see her right now? I mean, if you wanted to?" I said, again the words coming out of my mouth before I knew they were even there.
"I think so. Maybe."
"Would you try?"
"I just did not too long ago mike, and i dont think i should go without hopper knowing, now that he does."
"Please, will?"
"I'll try." he sat as he got up from his chair and sat on the floor.
"Wait, what are you guys doing? Youre gonna just do this right in front of the new weirdo?" asked lucas.
"Dont call her that." me and dustin said at the same time. "Shes not eleven and she never will be." I mumbled under my breath.
"Eleven? Like the Number?" She questioned, clearly confused about everything that we were talking about.
"Mike, are you sure you wanna do this in front of our new...friend? Now that i think about it, it might not be the best of ideas." Will said from on the floor.
"I guess she can go home."
"Thats rude, mike." dustin said and i groaned.
"Im sorry i just want to see el..well not see but,  i want to hear from her. You guys dont know how Ive been feeling the past few days. Months, actually. I need this, and i thought you guys would understand." they all looked guilty.
"We do, mike. You know that. But i doubt she could handle it."
she seemed to be offended by that. "Im sure Ive seen worse than anything you guys can show me. I know you guys dont know me, but Im a strong person. Im sure i can handle whatever you guys are all worked up about." she said confidently and i looked back and forth between my friends.
"Okay, well, after whats about to happen, youre either gonna never wanna hang out with us again or youre gonna think we're the coolest group of kids ever. Or both." i said and she raised an eyebrow, her face looked confused yet intrigued.
We all made a circle around will and he closed his eyes and his face seemed to be focused on something, the upside down probably. I could only imagine how terrible it must of been to have to think about a place where you almost died. I've never been to the upside down and I've tried my best to avoid thinking about it, but right now I had chills thinking about the things will and eleven both had to go through. I heard a coughing sound from will and I looked up and saw something coming out of his throat. The same thing I saw outside of hoppers window. Except, this time I could see it much more clearly. It was a slug.
Elevens POV:
I woke up to see 005 passed out too. I didn't know how long I'd slept considering it was always dark here. All i knew was that was the first time i had slept in days. Beside the small nap i had up against 005 when i first met her. Of course i dreamed of mike this time too, except this one was different.
      •Elevens Dream•
I was sitting next to mike. Except he wasnt looking at me, or even acknowledging me. He was looking at this girl in front of him. She walked up and hugged him and he whispered, "pretty." Into her ear. I started to cry and scream except he didn't notice. Or he didn't care. Either way I watched him walk off with this other girl, and I regretted telling him to move on. He walked off and I was alone. I always was.
     •End of Elevens Dream•
I was looking at 005. I wonder what she was dreaming about, or if she had anything to dream about. She said she's been down her for awhile, I wonder how long that is.
My brain switched over to my powers. I realized I hadn't used them in awhile. I decided I should try now, but I wasn't sure what I was gonna use them for. I hadn't seen a demogorgon since I killed the last one and there's nothing else for me to really do. I stood up and reached my arm towards the empty plate of food. I was gonna pick it up and smash it against the ground. It seemed pointless but I was just worried about my powers fading. I concentrated hard and started to feel dizzy, but before I could pick up the plate I heard a voice from behind me.
"El?" The voice, though semi yelling, seemed small and fragile compared to the silence of the upside down.
"Will." I said, turning around to see him. He smiled at me.
"You look a little better." he said, eyeing me. I pointed to the empty plate and he seemed to be confused. "How?" he asked and I nodded to 005, who was still asleep.
He came up and sat next to me, his face pale, probably from all the toxins in the air. "Mike wanted me to come down here and check on you," he said, as i sat down too, "he is really worried, also we met this new girl. She seems cool, except lucas doesnt trust her, of course, and she knows Im down here and theyre all probably staring at my unconscious body right now." he said and i couldnt help but smile a little, i know he was trying to lighten the mood. He knew it was hard being in the upside down. "And i told him i was gonna save you, because i am eleven. You and five. I dont know what will happen then but Im not worried about it, i just want to get you both out of here." I didnt speak for awhile.
"Tell me about her." I said, the harshness of My voice surprising me. He seemed confused for a second until he realized i was talking about their new friend. I wonder if he could tell that i was...jealous, i think the word is.
"Her names bee, like the bug, which i was actually more surprised by than when i found out your name was a Number. Anyways, shes cool i guess. She owns a gun, and shes kind of intimidating, also i think dustin likes her." i felt a rush of relief go through me. Dustin liked her. Not mike. Mike wanted will to come check on me which means he hasnt moved on. "Oh. So shes..friend?" I asked.
"Well we just met her, but yeah, maybe." he said and then it was silent.
Suddenly there was a yawning noise behind us, we both turned around to see five waking up. She stretched her arms above her head and then rubbed her eyes.
"Oh, youre back." she said to will and he kind of just stared at her. Suddenly something occurred to me. I finally knew the reason why will could visit the upside down.
Mikes POV:
"Ohmygod is he okay? is he like dead?" she asked.
"No, but he's in another dimension." I said and she laughed. "Funny." she said and I tried to make my face as serious as possible.
"It's not, it's actually quite terrible." I answered and she paused.
"Wait is he..being serious?" she asked Lucas and Dustin and they both nodded.
"I'm..confused." she responded.
"Yeah, I figured you would be. But just wait till he comes back."
"Are you guys like..messing with me? Because I'm the new kid in town or something?"
"I wish we were messing with you." I said seriously.
"Okay, well is somebody gonna explain how your friend can just travel to different dimensions or are you gonna leave me in the dark?"
"It's a long story. I'll explain in a bit, although I'm surprised you haven't heard about it before. Your dad didn't do any research on Hawkins before moving here?"
"I don't think so. He works a government job so most of his days are at the office, I guess he didn't think it was that important."
Me and the boys looked at each other.
"Government job?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yeah, it's a big building right outside of town."
"Hawkins Lab?" Lucas asked.
She thought about it for a second.
"Yeah, I think that's it."
Wills POV:
"So you can control it now?" eleven whispered and i nodded.
"Mostly, yeah. Except i cant control when i can go back. Just when i can come."
"Wait." she said and i looked at her curiously.
"When me and five go back..through the portal, how will you get back?" she asked and i said, "i'll just wait for me to wake up." as if it was the easiest question ever to answer, and she got a look on her face that said she knew something i didnt. I didnt bother to ask about it though. I figured if it was that important she would tell me.
"Eleven." I said and she looked up at me.
"Do you know what a soulmate is?" I asked and she shook her head no.
"Its someone youre destined to be with Forever, and i think mike is yours."
Before she could say anything i felt my surroundings start to dissapear. Soon i would be back on mikes basement floor.
"I'll be back tomorrow." I said and as the upside down dissapeared around me i opened My eyes to be greeted by four pairs of eager ones.
"How is she?" i heard mikes voice pounding in my head before i could even register my surroundings.
"Shes good, actually. five managed to get them some food. I think its her power or something." I answered rubbing My temples.
"Who is she? And did you really go to another dimension?" I heard bees voice. I had almost forgotten she was here.
"She is eleven. She's mikes girlfriend." said Dustin in a mock tone and Mike glared at him.
"She's not my girlfriend." he insisted.
"She might as well be." said Lucas and Mike glared at him too.
"Your girlfriend is in another dimension?" she asked, even more confused.
"Yes." Lucas and Dustin said at the same time.
"Also will," Mike said, extending his hand to help me up, "we found out some good news. You have not have to go back to the upside down."
I stared at him confused, "what do you mean?"
"Bees dad works at Hawkins Lab. If we could just somehow get you in there, or any of us in there, we could get to the main portal."
'Oh no' I thought. Suddenly I remembered that mike and the boys didn't know that the portal at Hawkins lab was closing, if not already closed.
"Wait, why would you need to get into Hawkins lab?" she asked and Mike answered before anyone else could.
"Because there's a portal to the other dimension there. Its hard to explain but, your dad might be working with the people who created eleven."
"Created her?" at this point you could tell in her voice that she was totally lost.
"Sit down and I'll explain." He said finally.
Mike told her about how I disappeared and how they found eleven and about her powers and the bad men and pretty much everything- he even brought up the demogorgon. She listened like a child listening to a fairy tale.
"And so thats how she ended up in the upside down." he finished.
" let's go to the lab." she said. She probably just wanted to see if we were lying. I felt guilty immediately but I decided the guys should find out on their own. For some reason I didn't think they'd believe me anyway. Or maybe it would just be better for them to see it with their own eyes.
"Yeah, let's go." I agreed.

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