Chapter 7

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You know, you know you love the way I linger and,
You keep me wrapped right 'round your finger,
But you say, you say, just wait a little longer, and
And in time, I could be the right one

-B Team; Marianas Trench [the song really fits but Daichi ain't no cheater so]

It was nearing the end of May, Spring was ending and cooler days had begun to disappear. Or one could say, Summer was starting and the warmer days were coming to visit.

It was last period on Tuesday, the class had been given an assignment by Sugawara, so today was a free pass; work period. It was nice and silent, and everyone was working on their respective tasks, the students on the assignment, the teacher on his assignments.

All but Daichi of course.

He had his notebook and assignment nicely creating a façade on his desk, but he was scrolling through his phone on a certain webpage for a certain festival. Of course, he really should have been working, given that he didn't have too much time to do work after club activities, but he had a certain teacher on his mind, and he had plans to make.

He thought he was being discreet and continued to read, but then this notification popped up on the top of the screen.

-What are you doing on your phone in my class? -

He immediately jumped in his seat, kind of like his heart wanted to fly out of his chest, rattling the desk, and he almost threw the phone across the room in surprise and fear, but he had enough self control to keep it in his hands.

The sudden noise caused the rest of the class to look up at the flustered Daichi, some giving him glares, others snickering, and Sugawara, well. He was sitting smugly at his desk up at the front, and had to bite down on a pen so he wouldn't laugh, which he deemed was extremely hard.

Once everyone went back to their work, Daichi glanced up and gave a smirking Sugawara a death glare before looking back down.

A Captain can tease and taunt just as good as a Sensei. He had to get Sugawara back for that.

Fifteen minutes later, he prepared. He pulled out the flyer from his book bag and placed it on an empty page in his notebook, scribbling down a note beneath it, he marked the page and closed the book. Then he took off the black jacket he had on, resting it on the back of his chair.

He took the notebook and stood up, and just to tease, he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt [that already had the sleeves folded up] on the way to Sugawara's desk.

That alone made Sugawara's cheeks turn rosy upon noticing. Daichi put the notebook in front of him.

"Sensei, you know, I was wondering if you could check my progress on the assignment so far..." He started taunting Sugawara evilly and he opened to the designated page.

He watched as his beloved sensei read the note and turned redder.

-How about you stop teasing me and let me take you out on a date already? -

Above the note sat a flyer to a festival for the beginning of summer, in a place about 30 minutes away by train.

"I was also wondering about the date, you know, when should this happen? It was Friday right? So we're free on the weekend?" He taunted further. Sugawara bit down on his lip, turning it white, but his cheeks and ears were doing quite the opposite.

Sugawara closed the notebook, pressing a palm down on it. He took a deep shaky breath before speaking, making sure his voice wasn't unstable or weak.

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