New Friends

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(Vote if you like Lance)

Chapter 2 New friends

I sat at the table sipping my iced tea, watching Adam return to me smiling, “Hey do you mind if they joined us.” He asked, “No... Of course they can,” I told him, but the truth was I didn’t want them to join us. I wanted to spend this time with him alone.

Okay and the 20 something other people in the dinner,

but that’s better than nothing. Now his damn cousin was coming to ruin my moment and bringing a friend.

life just isn’t fair sometimes.

 I watched her and her friend stride over; something about them put me on edge. It was like looking at her made me want to have sex with her or something,



I keep saying, look away, look away,

don’t stare

don’t stare.

I’m a happy gay

I’m a happy gay

Okay maybe I’m not happy but I knew I was gay, why is this chick making me feel this way? I couldnt explain it, something about her was drawing me in. I looked her up and down, trying to figure what it was, when I spotted her pedant. A beautiful peice of jewelery, I continued to stare, watching her goddess like body get closer to us with every step, until finally she stopped at the table. “Hi, I’m Cassidy, and this is Diana” I didn’t even hear her at first; my attention was still on her perky boobs,  where the pedant rested.

I felt like that typical guy, one who couldn’t even get to know a girl first without wanting to have sex with her.

“Lance, she said hi,” Adam said bringing me back to reality, “Oh sorry, Hi, I said smiling, I’m Lance,” “Mind if we sit,” she asked, I shrugged scooting over for her. Her friend Diana sat next to me, and Cassidy sat next to Adam. I didn’t know why but she really made me feel weird.

“So little cousin,” she started off, “you and Lance here together,” she asked with a smile, Adam choked on his coke before answering.

“No...I mean yes, we’re just here for something to eat.” He said, sounding less confident than he looked. I stared at him, seeing how uncomfortable her question made him, no way in hell I was gonna tell him what I really felt about him. How I really wanted us to be in public, I dropped it in the back of my mind paying attension to his cousin again.

“Lance, your very pretty for a guy, are you wearing makeup,” Cassidy asked smiling. “Just some guy liner, I don’t wear makeup makeup,” I told her. Her friend Diana didn’t speak at all, it was like she was just there to stare at Cassidy, and laugh at every bad joke that left her mouth.

Is it weird, hell yeah, but no one else thought so.

So Adam, my friend Diana thinks your super hot, why not go on a date with her, Diana smiled at him, while Cassidy looked amused at her own question. I sucked my teeth, wanting to jump on the table and smack the both of them, cause a scene or raise hell, something anything.

I just couldn’t find the courage to do any of that, instead I sat there and waited to see what Adam would say. “Sorry Diana, I’m kind of into someone already,” Really,” Cassidy spat, “are you and this someone close, do I know them” she asked. “You could say that,and yeah you have” he said, looking at me from the corner of his eyes. I sipped on my iced tea, while I tried my hardest not giving away how I really felt. I was sure he heard me suck my teeth thou, but whatever.  

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