I'm A Witch

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So heres chapter 3, I know it’s been a while since I updated this story. LOL but here it is, please enjoy it, and please don’t forget to vote, comment, and fan me…

Chapter 3

I’m A Witch

Jake had taken me deep into the forest near the house, the forest was thick, and the ground was covered with colorful leaves.

I looked up, seeing the trees reach impossible heights, and each one looked more ancient than the last. Their trunks so wide, I couldn’t even connect my hands around one to give it a hug.

I watched the nature around me, the birds singing their songs, and the insects making their working noises. Cassidy had a good thing here, right in her own backyard, it made me want her parents to adopt me even more.

Jake approached me from behind, whispering into my ear,

“You look so at peace here.”

“I feel so at peace,” I said smiling at the tree in front of me. I wanted so badly for this moment to be with Adam. “However Jake was here instead, and although he isn’t Adam something about him gave me butterflies.

I turned to face him, seeing the broken sunlight from the trees leaves light his face. It made the color in his eyes really show, sparkling like the sky, instead of the ocean blue I described before.

I couldn’t help but smile back at him, finally snapping out of my trance when a huge hawk flew by.

“So, what was it that you wanted to show me,”

He smiled again, taking my hands into his, “You are a witch Lance, weather you believe me or not, but I think I might have a way to convince you.”

“A way to convince me, and what way is that,”

He smiled at me again, revealing his white teeth. “You have to be quiet, and you have to listen, then open up yourself to me.” “What do you mean…open up myself to you,” “Exactly that, keep your mind and heart open to me.”

I rolled my eyes at him,

feeling really silly standing out here in the forest with this perfect stranger. He closed his eyes, and I assumed I should to, closing my eyes I did what he asked. I opened up to him, letting him into my heart and mind.

“Now just concentrate, concentrate on me and you together, like this in this moment, and allow your ebergy to build up.”

“How do I do that,” “Just breath, and concentrate on what I said.” I did what he asked, and allowed my energy to build.

The spark that I felt before when we shook hands returned, but it wasn’t this strong, and it felt way more under control this time.

I could feel it radiating through me, filling me with so much raw power, I thought my body would began to float. After a moment of us just standing there holding hands, something jolted me. I opened my eyes the same time he did,

“Oh my god,”

“You feel it don’t you,”

“What is that,”

“Its our magic, connecting with each other.”

I smiled at him feeling it to, it was like the feeling of a body part falling asleep, but all over my body. My entire body tingled, and it made me feel really good.

“Okay, so was this it then, because I'm not that impressed,” Jake smiled again, likeing my attitude, before he spoke. “Alright, this was just step one, now we do some magic,”

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