Chapter 3

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When they got down to the dining hall, Lucifer and Cain, -as Ciel assumed they were, because the lady looked a lot like Sebastian in coloring and the man had his facial structure and lithe frame- were already seated, chatting lightly. "Hello, dearest." Cain said. Her voice was demure and nearly unheard, and Ciel wondered briefly if it was an illness which made her wear such a mask. A scar, maybe? She was speaking to Sebastian, who was smiling softly at her.

"My son, I hear you've gained a lot of favor over the past few days. Our people have found your talent very promising." Lucifer spoke praisefully, but his eyes had a bitterness to them. Sebastian's smile tensed and he took his seat. Elly and Ciel sat down, Elly at the foot of the table, across from Lucifer, with Lucifer seated next to Claude -at the head of the table- and Sebastian between Claude and Cain. It was as if Claude and Cain were subtly showing that Sebastian was safe from Lucifer, just in the way they arranged themselves. Protected by his mother and his fiancée. Ciel wondered what this man had done to evoke such a subconscious response. Elly nudged his foot with her own under the table. A subtle reminder not to ask questions. Her eyes pleaded with him. 'Don't get Michael in trouble. Don't set back their plans.' And Ciel, for once, would obey. He'd be a pawn in this game, he realized. If only for the fearful yet hopeful girl beside him. They ate in peace after that. Red liquid was poured into the golden chalices at the table, and Sebastian, after a moments pause, explained.

"Demons can stave off hunger with certain foods. Harpy blood is mixed with red wine, and a steak is made from the native cattle, of which has a name you needn't worry about... Of course, these are only very temporary."

"They taste good, though!" Anne proclaimed.

"Why don't I need to know it's name..?" Ciel asks, prodding at the meat on his plate with a fork.

"I doubt you'd be able to pronounce it, and it's a tedious word. Once you've learnt the tongue, maybe." Claude said with a smirk. A knock at the door disrupted the conversation and a man with a red and honey gold uniform stepped in. "Sire I am deeply sorry, but the princes are needed. There has been an incident."

"What kind of incident?" Claude demanded, unhappy about their meal being interrupted.

"An angel going by the name of Landers has appeared, along with a reaper of the name Spears. They're requesting a peaceful conference." Sebastian had bristled at those names, while Claude remained confused. He hadn't known Landers or Spears personally, only hearing his fiancée had run into some trouble with them.

"Very well." Sebastian muttered. "If you would excuse me, father."

"Teach them who's realm this is, brother dearest!" Anne proclaims with a giggle. She clanks her glass against Cains, and Ciel has a briefly exasperating thought, that this sister of his is going to be as annoying as Grell.


"Michaelis?" William looked shocked, that the presumably low level demons he'd seen up top were two of the most powerful beings in hell.

"Not such utter filth now, William?" Sebastian asks brightly, stepping up to him. The reaper had an inch or two on him in this form, as well. Ash was seething, looking about to faint from all the 'impurity' in the room, red faced and shaking.

"Is this the man you said tried to..." Claude trailed off with a deep, calming breath. Mating season was a trying time, and this piece of filth had tried to rape his mate. Claude had to step two paces back to keep himself from wringing the bastards neck.

"Yes." Sebastian said it calmly, without a care in the world. And well, out of the two, Sebastian had broken the most. He no longer got angry. Madness was fairly nice, if you asked him. It's just when all the rules start to break. "I think it's time I introduced myself, gentlemen. My name is Michael Sebastian Izlan, Lucifers youngest son." His smile widens as William bristles. Knowing he had less authority than the demon must've hurt. Sebastian had familial ties with the first and second reapers in existence. The daughter of death was his cousin, as was the son of God. After all, God, Lucifer, and Death were brothers. One jumped off a bridge, one stayed on the bank, and one ran across the bridge, leaving both of them to fend for themselves. At least, that's the metaphor they teach children in hell. Lucifer fell, Death stayed, and God ran.

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