(Anna's POV)
I was sitting on my bed staring out the window.It was Winter,but in California,it barely ever snows.I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against the glass.I day dreamed of Me and Shane Dawson playing,dancing,and...kissing in the snow.I opened my eyes and sighed.For most of my life,I felt a feeling in my stomach.I didn't know what it was until I saw couples under the mistle toe and dancing with eachother.I figured out that feeling was emptiness.The feeling like your heart was a black hole of nothingness.The longing feeling of having someone to care and love you for who you are.
I got my laptop and brought up Twitter.I tweeted to Shane,like i do everyday.
"@shanedawson I'm not mad at u for not tweeting me.It doesn't matter.Why would u tweet a lonely,pathetic fan? P.S. Luv u."
I've been tweeting him everyday for almost a year.He's never tweeted back,which adds to the nothingness feeling.I don't JUST think he's hot,like most of his fans.I love him for his personality and how much he cares about his fans,I could give u a whole list of things perfect about him.I saw he posted a new video.It said he was coming to...HOLY SHIT! HE'S COMING TO SANFRANSICO!!! (Where I live) I danced in my room to his song Christmas Life.