Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you for all the kind comments, it really inspired me to get the next chapter as soon as possible. Here you go, hope you enjoy...

"No we never get visitors." The moment the word left her mouth, Jonathan pushed past Laura, walking towards the barn door. "I need you to go inside and don't come out. Do you know where your father keeps his gun?" Laura looked at the approaching car, "Do you really think that is necessary?" Jonathan grabbed her arm, swinging her to face him, "Laura, these people don't play games, they definitely didn't come here to have tea."

He walked towards the house, pulling her behind him.

Pushing through the kitchen door, he yelled out. "Alec! Alec where are you?" The grumbling that came from the living room, made Jonathan walk in that direction. "What do you mean, barging into my house, shouting like a madman." Alec screamed at Jonathan. "I have a mind to put you out."

Jonathan couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You might get that wish faster than you expected." Laura froze at his words. "Dad we need your shotgun, it's urgent." she asked pleading with her father. "No one touches that gun." Alec grumbled as he settled back into his chair.

"Alec, this isn't a game, the people that you enquired to about me, are driving down the road as we speak." There was the sound of tyres coming to a stop outside the window. "Make that, they are in your yard." Jonathan said looking at Alec. "Please, I can't defend you if we don't have some sort of weapon."

Jonathan walked towards the window that looked out over the yard between the house and the barn. The flashy silver Mercedes looked out of place between the rundown buildings. "Shit!" Jonathan exclaimed as he watched Donovan climb out of the car, he couldn't make out the other people in the car.

Jonathan turned to look as Alec walked down the passage, "Your father doesn't get the urgency. Laura, please find somewhere to hide, I beg you my love." Jonathan held Laura close to him, giving her a hug, kissing the top of her head. "Jonathan please let me help." He shook his head, "You don't get it, we can pretend you aren't here, you should be the one hiding."

Laura brushed past him, walking to the front door, "Now go hide." Jonathan shook his head, but before he could answer there was a knock at the door. Laura took deep breaths, before she opened the door. Jonathan sprinted toward the kitchen, hiding in the pantry.

It wasn't until this moment how the house wasn't really sound proof, he was able to hear everything that was said in the living room. Pressing his ear against the wall he listened.

"Morning, did you take the wrong turn?" Laura said, smiling at the man that stood in front of her. He was an impressive figure, well built with a silver sheen to his blond hair. He didn't look menacing, but looks could be deceiving. He smiled at her, looking over his shoulder towards the barn. "Sorry we didn't let you know we were coming." he looked back towards her, "You see we made enquiries regarding," he smiled at her, "a family member that seems to be missing."

Laura tried her best to look concerned, "I'm sorry sir, but we don't know anything about this. You see it's just my father and I on the farm." Donovan nodded at her, "Where are my manners, my name is Donavan Sloane, and that is my associate Shaun and his girlfriend." Laura looked past him at the two young people who stood next to the car, she could clearly see that they were attracted to each other, but their was no familiarity between them.

At the second glance, she recognised the young girl as the cashier from the co-op in town, she wasn't sure what her name was, but she was almost certain of it.

Alec walked up behind her, Laura glanced at him, heaving a sigh of relief that he wasn't carrying his gun, she couldn't help but wonder if he did fetch it from the safe. "Dad these people are enquiring about a missing family member. This is Donovan Sloane." she looked at her father who held out a firm hand towards Donovan. "Alec." he said briskly.

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