Teenager posts

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Friend: (text) Where are you? Me: (text) At the grocery store:) Friend:(text) What are you doing there. Me:(text) You know hunting elephants!

Normal people when they walk into a house:"Wow u have a lovely home"

Me when I walk into a house:"Can I get the wifi password"

Vote :) if u want more

That face your friend gives you when your crush walks in @ @


Admit it you have at least once pretended the ground was lava and to survive you needed to jump from couch to couch

Saying I have so much work to do while playing on the internet

Me: *breaths*

Mom:don't you give me attitude missy

Chasing after your pet like "let me live you"

Late in the night when your brain starts to go like "you know what's a good movie Paranormal Activity

When some one walks to slow in front if you

Running up the stairs because u sense a evil presence behind you.

Teacher should not punish you for some thing you did not do so it's ok I I don't do my home work

Finishing a tv series and thinking what am I gonna do with my life?

Excuse me favourite character did I give u permission to die

676,852.744.663 are to lazy to read that number.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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