Chapter Three- THEE Original Creepypastas!!!

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As slendy opened the door to the Creepypastait Mansion I could see some of the original Creepypastas. There was BEN Drowned, laying on the floor playing a game on a PS4. There was Eyeless Jack sitting on the couch and watching BEN's game and obviously eating a kidney. Masky and Hoodie were playing cards at one of the tables in the living room. And.... of course..... Jeff the Killer was leaning on a wall sharpening one of his knifes, smiling that stupid smile of his...ugh.

"I'm home" Slendy half sung half said. Everyone just said 'hey', not looking up from what their doing.

"Where are the others?" Slendy asked, his tentacles still had me suspended ten inches off the ground.

Masky set down his cards and glared at Hoodie meaning for Hoodie not to look at his cards before he turned around on his chair so he faced us.

"Sally went to take Charlie and Smile Dog for a walk. And like always Rake is wandering off somewhere in the woods." He said. " oh, hey Jackie" he finally noticed me. My heart skipped a beat before going on overdrive. Lets just say I kinda have a crush on Masky. There was just two problrms with that. #1 Dusk might kill me for going out with her twin brother. #2 Masky only sees me as a friend. Ssooo.... I play it cool.

"Sup, dude" I replied the same way I say do with everyone. Right when I said that Jeff must've recognized my voice. He looked up alarmened, his smile replaced by a big frown.

"Y-Y-YOUR THAT EVIL BRAT THAT KEEPS TAKING MY KNIVES!!!!!!!!!" Jeffy raced towards me, his knife raised above his head ready to stab me.I just kept on eating my 657th chocolate bar of the day. Slendy used his two tentacles that were still holding me and jerked me up high enouhh so Jeffy wouldnt get me. I took a bite out of my 670th chocolate bar, and no my math isn't wrong Im actually pretty good at math its just that chocolate is like water to me.

"Nice to see you too Jeffy"I said casually, my mouth full of chocolate. By now BEN and Eyeless

Jack and Hoodie were holding back Jeffy so he wouldn't kill me. Slendy set me down and FINALLY let me go. I set my bag full of chocolate and other stuff down on the floor.

"Who's the fresh meat" Jack asked, holding back a struggling Jeffy with ease.

"First, make sure Jeff is NO WAY to get to Jackeline because what im about to say will make him worse" Slendy said, the humour gone from his voice.

"Hold on I think I got something" BEN said. We waited a couple seconds, it was silent except for the grunts and yells of Jeffy trying to struggle free.... and of course failing. BEN finally came back with chains that had hand cuff at the ends. He cuffed the couch's legs and with the other end he cuffed them onto Jeffy's wrists. Jeffy had already given up struggling but he still glared at me with pure hatred. Once BEN was done I really wanted to ask were he got those but since no one questioned it first I guess it was normal.

"Okay Jackeline is..." he gave one laste glance at Jeff which I thought it was wierd since the guy had no FREAKIN FEATURES. "Jackeline is Jane's kid, she wanted us to take care of Jackeline here because she had to go do something."

"WHAT!!!!!! WERE CREEPYPASTAS NOT BABYSITTERS!!!!!!!!! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES JANE'S KID I MEAN LOOK AT HER SHES A PATHETIC HUMAN!!!!!" Jeffy screamed those last two words ragefully. Everyone gasped, except for me. My head was down making my bangs hide my eyes. I could feel everyone's eyes on me with pity.... I. Hated. It.

"What did you say?" I asked in an unemotional tone. Everyone stood still watching us.

"You. Pathetic. Human." Jeffy spat out those cursed words, that same stupid simle appearing on his fucking face. I looked up at him and a slight horror showed in his face but it quickly vanished. I took a step foward while he took a step back.

"Tell me Jeffy, Am I WEAK" I asked, my voice coming out demonic at the last word.

"Of course your weak!! That's the whole meaning of pathetic dumdass." He laughed at me like I was the idiot.

" I might be an idiot" I replied cooly taking a step foward as he took a step backwards. He hit the wall.. good.. I have him cornered." But tell me Jeff... Do you know me? And I mean on a daily basis."

"Pfffffft why would I ever want to know you" he continued to snicker.

"Right, you DONT know me and yet you call me pathetic, you know there's a saying for this it goes like this," my eyes start to glow red " Don't judge me if you don't know me,"once I said those

words some of Jeffy's knives came flying through the opened door and shot straight for Jeffy's head, of course

the knives only landed on the areas surrounding his head. His eyes were wider than usual and he was panting so I continued. "Don't underestimate me until you've challenged me," again some more of Jeffy's knives that he left in my house came flying through the door and landed on the surrounding area of his outstreched arms, the knives stayed suspended like that because they stabbed the wall."Don't talk about me unless you talk to me" my final words brought the rest of the knives and they outlined the rest of Jeffy's body. I was sweating and panting hard, Ive never used my power this much before. I smiled, smiling bigger that a chesire cat and said " Am I still pathetic" I said before everything went dark...

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