Untitled Part 2

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Obtaining alcohol at eighteen years old was ridiculously easy. And since her father wasn't around anyway...why not?

Sarah patted the six-pack on the passenger seat of her car now that she'd reclaimed her driving privileges after putting in her time being grounded. She congratulated herself on another successful liquor store run.

Four days in Heartache, Tennessee, and she was already working the town like a local. She had a place to go on a Friday night, and a fun new friend to hang out with. Sure her dad had blown off her every attempt to work with him this week, citing her punishment of being "grounded," but honestly—screw him. She knew he didn't care about being a father to her now that her mom was gone. He might have cared once, but now? Every day that he made excuses not to hang out with her only made her feel worse. If he wasn't looking out for her, who would protect her?

There'd been a time when they did stuff together every weekend. But maybe that had only been to impress her mom. Too bad Sarah had really bought it. Ever since her mother died, Remy was stuck working and being sad all the time. He'd moved them out of that gargantuan house he'd built in Lafayette, Louisiana, and transplanted them to Miami, which she hated. Then he'd just retreated from her and everything else. Except for work. Oh sure, he pawned her off on people all the time. Responsible adults like the Stedders who could watch her 24/7. This was the first time in two years she'd pushed his hand to spend time with her and he was running away every chance he got.

If he couldn't be bothered with her, she'd find someone, or something, else to entertain her. Like a dance under the stars, a new dress, and the name of the cute driver of the hot convertible she'd seen in the parking lot behind Last Chance Vintage today. Lucas Maynard.


Ally Finley had warned Sarah to steer clear of him in a text she'd sent earlier. He had a girlfriend, apparently. But after the way Lucas had looked at Sarah, she had figured the girlfriend couldn't be serious. The beer on the front seat had his name on it, in fact. Because really, the drinking thing was only a little bit for her. Mostly it paved the way with boys, who were always impressed and grateful at her ability to secure the goods.

Steering her car around the village square once to get the lay of the land, Sarah smiled with pleasure at how easy it had been this time. She'd sat outside the liquor store until a young guy pulled up alone. He hadn't been super cute, but then, that's just what she'd needed. The guys who were a little sloppier looking were all the more surprised and flattered that a girl needed help. Guys loved to play hero when she explained her "I forgot my license" dilemma.

She cranked her tunes as she spotted Lucas's convertible. Sarah checked her lip gloss in the rearview mirror. Adrenaline pumping, she could almost forget about her dad ignoring her and the letter still hidden away in her purse. She pulled into a parking space behind the convertible and told herself that after some beer and some Lucas Maynard, she wouldn't care any more about those things.

Tonight, she planned on having the time of her life.

Nights Under the Tennessee Stars- the teen subplotWhere stories live. Discover now