Chapter 3

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The lady next to me claps and cheers as Ethan finishes his speech. He shakes hands with the people around the podium and motions for the orchestra team to begin playing.

Servers begin distributing the food and people begin making their way to the bar.

A plate is placed in front of me.

This looks delicious!

I don't wait to devour it. I glance back up to see Ethan conversing with a bunch of business men. As I finish the last piece of bread I look up and catch a pair of eyes looking at me.

Before I can recognize the individual, I catch another pair of eyes staring back at me.

"Miss." I turn to the lady and kindly smile. She looks older than me and her bright red dress seems elegant and expensive.

"What do you think about the Anderson Company?"

The question does not catch me off guard. She must be a future client or partner trying to invest in the company.

She obviously knows who I am. However, I don't hesitate to answer.

"The company prioritizes its clients and won't fail to demonstrate it. Overall, the company is in good hands. Mr. Anderson is well aware of what the company needs and accepts any advice from his employees..." I trail off and jump slightly as the chair next to me is moved.

"Thank you for the kind words, Mrs. Smith." I nod.

Ethan begins talking to the lady. I awkwardly sit between them and excuse myself after a few minutes.

I watch Logan aimlessly twirl his glass of wine by the bar.

"Hey!" Logan almost chokes on his drink and grabs for napkins.

"Don't you ever do that again." Logan playfully yells at me.

"Why are you here alone?" I question.

"My partner had an emergency. Wait! I should be asking you a ton of questions right now! Did you tell Ethan to kick out the man that harassed you?" I scrunch up my eyebrows.

"Why will he do that?" I ask. Logan rolls his eyes in return.

"Because he loves you. What kind of question is that? Anyways, any man that harasses any woman or makes them uncomfortable will be escorted out by security." Logan points at the multiple big guys standing by the doors.

My eyes widen.

I glance back at Ethan as he continues talking to the lady.

"When did he do this?" I whisper to myself.

"Well, I have to go. I don't have any business being here and it is getting boring." Logan passes the cup back to the bartender and looks my way.

"I'll stick around for a little while before going back to California. It was nice seeing you again." Logan smiles at me and quickly reaches for a pen over the counter.

"Give me your hand." I place my hand in his and watch as he writes a set of numbers on my hand.

"This is my number. If you need anything, I'm always a call away." He winks.

"Yeah, okay." I smile and wave at him. I walk back to my seat.

This time the lady excuses herself. Her husband invites her to dance. They both look in love. More couples begin filling the dance floor.

"What do you think about the event so far?" Ethan asks.

"It's nice." I blankly reply.

We again fall into silence.

"Ethan!" Amy stops when she spots me and glances back at Ethan.

"Yes?" Ethan questions as Amy smiles at him.

"I arrived late and could not listen to your speech. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Ethan watches as she takes a seat across from us.

He has a brotherly look as Amy mumbles things to him. I never once felt jealous whenever he spent time with her because it is clear that he sees her as a sister. However, she does her best to get on my nerves.

"Where is Emma?" He raises his eyebrows at her.

"Emma? She should be resting at home. Why are you asking about her?" Amy smirks and looks at me.

"Oh! Emma is back home. Is she living with you now?"

"No. What are—"

"I thought you guys were dating. Wasn't she pregnant with your child?" I flinch as she stretches the child part.

"Of course not. Amy, that was a rumor. She is happily married." Amy doesn't waiver and instead looks at me.

"Mm, I guess. What about you Sky? Are you married?" I ignore her. Too occupied by the millions of thoughts running through my head.

"Rude." She whispers but I clearly hear her.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Ethan asks.

Something must be going on in my head because I take his hand.

I catch him reading the numbers on my palm.

He places a hand around my waist while the other holds my hand close to his heart. The beat is slow and everyone seems to get closer to their partners.

"Your friend Emma is pregnant right now. She completely went ballistic on me when she found out you left. She was also mad because you never contacted her. If you want to visit her one day I'll take you."

"I left in a hurry. I should probably contact her and let her know why I left."

"You left because I supposedly cheated on you. Emma is going to kill me and bury me once she hears this." I smirk.

"Well I hope she does." Emma hates the news. She thinks everything is a lie. Our separation or break as everyone called it was only on the news for a few days and I doubt she even had time since her life doesn't revolve around us.

"Skylar. Why don't you trust me. Did I ever do something to you for you to doubt me?" His words cut through my heart.


Someone clears their throat and I pull away.

The lady from our table holds my purse out to me.

"Someone keeps calling you. I thought it will be an emergency. Sorry." I thank her and grab it.

She returns to the table and I glance at my phone.

Several miss calls from Layla.

"I have to go." I tell Ethan and rush outside.

I dial back and Layla answers immediately.

"Why did you call?"

"Alexander is sick. He had a tummy ache. I gave him some medicine,
but he wants you here."

"Okay. Tell Alexander I'll be there."

I hang up and massage my head.

"Who is Alexander?"

My breath is cut short as I turn to see Ethan standing behind me.

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