Chapter 22 ~ Louis

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Chapter 22 - Louis

Marley really needs to stop looking at me like that. Just the way her blue eyes sparkle makes me want to throw the pizza off the table and kiss her senseless. But that's just it; senseless. I must not be thinking straight but this is better than not speaking to her at all; that, I couldn't handle. I must be weaker than I thought.

But that thought aside I learned a lot about her. She's very easy to talk to and I can see why she was well-liked in high school...after her freshman year of course. I learn that her favorite color is pink, although it wasn't hard to guess, her favorite food is a Bic Mac, which I was surprised by. If she loves it, she must eat it often, which doesn't make sense because her body is literally perfect and there is no way someone that eats like that can have a body like hers. I mean, shit, look at her. Her favorite memory is when she got her car, and when I asked her who she loves the most in this world and she said her sister, I thought she was going nuts. But then she explained it, and I tried really hard to understand her perspective. We both have sisters so I can understand that part but none of my sisters bailed and got themselves pregnant like hers did.

But because I am here with her now I listen, and I ask questions not because we're playing this stupid game, but because I want to know the answers. It's like am drawn to her, and to be completely honest if I was with anyone else, I would be snoring. But it's her, she makes me feel again, it's every emotion I was deprived of. I look forward to knowing her pet peeve, and it annoys me that she has to have everything clean. I think it's funny that her most ticklish spot is her knee. All these little things that I now know about her make me wonder; why wasn't I with her first? Eleanor and I were in love, I know that for a fact, at one point she was in love with me. I knew everything there was to know about her and vice versa. Why she threw it all away is a mystery to me but we never did what Marley and I are doing now. It took a long time for Eleanor and I to get to know each other. With Marley I am getting so much information at once and it's like I am becoming high on her.

Hours pass before the pizza is gone and we can't think of any more questions to ask. It's just past three in the afternoon and preforming on GMA seems like days ago, not hours. Just as I am throwing away the pizza box the lads come in with Amabel and Parker in their wake.

"Did you guys have pizza?" Niall asks.

"Yeah..." I answer.

"Is there any left over?"

"No, sorry Niall." Marley says and Niall's face drops.

"Where were you guys? It's such a nice day out!" Parker says.

I shrug and Marley replies, "We stayed in, no big deal."

Niall and Zayn shoot me a look and I shake my head. They caught me sneaking out of Marley's room after we slept together and I know they're wondering what is going on between us.

"We have to be at the arena for sound check at five. Paul is picking us up at four thirty." Liam tells us. That only gives us an hour before we have to go.

I'm already knackered and we still have to do a show tonight. I'm excited though, I always am.

Detroit was massively loud and it was a great night. The lads and I really enjoyed ourselves. Before the show when Marley was getting us dressed and ready, I admit I didn't put my shirt on until the last second. It was amusing to see her staring, it's not like she hasn't seen me shirtless before. In fact, she's seen less.

Shit, I need to stop thinking about that night. It's difficult though, the way her small fingers curled around my bicep and the way her short pants puffed out of her pink lips...

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