Confronting Time

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Logan's point of view

        I knocked on the front door of Jennifer's house & her father answered it. I gave him a small warm smile & he nodded as he stepped back, so I could walk in.

        "She's in her room, upstairs & the first room to your right. You can't miss it." he said to me & I nodded slightly.

        "Thanks, Marcus." I said then headed upstairs. I realized that her bedroom door was closed with country stickers all over it. I knocked on her door. "Jenn, it's me. Open up please." I said with kindness in my voice. She opened the door slightly & peeked through the crack.

        "Who is it?" she asked & I tilted my head at her. She knew better than that.

        "It's me, Jenn. Please let me in. Don't you need me?" I asked her & she opened her door then ran practically into me so I could hold her close.

        "Baby, mom smacked me because I got sassy with her 'bout Zach. She basically gave me the same talk as dad did & that was exactly what I told her. She smacked me right after that." she said to me & tears started to fall. I soothed her hair & rocked her back & forth.

        "It's alright, I'm here." I said in a soothing voice. She laid her head on my shoulder & I held her close.

        "I'm glad that you are here. I don't know what I'd do with I didn't have you to run to, for anything." She said to me & I partly smiled at her. I knew that I was special to her but not that special. 'No one really thought of me as the first one they go to, especially during anything they needed help with.' I thought to myself. She started shivering real badly in my arms. I picked her up & carried her to her bed.

        "You're shivering, baby." I said then placed her on her bed & covered her with her blanket. I soon lied down beside her & cuddled her in my arms.

        "I know that I am, baby. I'm really glad that you're here." she said & hugged me tight as I noticed the bruise on her arm. I frowned a little & kissed her forehead.

        "I'm never gonna abandon you, Jenn. Especially, since you need me by your side. You're the best thing that ever happened to me & I'm not gonna sit around as you get abused. I'm gonna take a stand." I said to her & felt her heart beating with mine. She was starting to warm up & looked up at me.

        "I want you to get under the covers with me, baby." she said & smiled big at me. I couldn't resist her offer & I got under the blankets with her then I pulled her close. She rested her hand on my chest along with her head right afterwards. "Thanks baby, I feel really better." she said as she nuzzled her head against my chest.

        "I'm glad baby." I said & held her close. I heard Marcus walking up the stairs. "You sure we won't get in trouble?" I asked & she nodded.

        "My father absolutely adores you. If he's coming up to check on us, then he won't yell at us. If it's my mother then we'll probably get yelled at." she mentioned to me. The door opened soon after a knock. Marcus came walking into the room.

        "I was just checking in on you guys." he said & looked over at us. "Now, don't get any ideas Logan. She's still my daughter & I respect you but you guys are only fifteen." he said.

        "Umm, Marcus, I'm sixteen & I would never emotionally hurt her like that. I'd never force her into doing something that she doesn't to do." I said & he nodded slowly. "She's just freezing & she asked me to lay with her under the covers. Nothing's gonna pursue any farther than that, I promise." I said to him. He nodded & walked out of the room. Jennifer looked up at me.

        "What was that? Come on, baby; let's do it." she pleaded. I shook my head.

        "First of all, I don't wanna lose my trust with your parents and second of all, I don't wanna put you through any pain or make you regret it. Jenn baby, please let's just lay here tonight. I don't wanna rush things." I said & she pouted.

        "At least, Zach wouldn't refuse." she muttered under her breath. I looked at her with a stern look.

        "I am not Zach & I am respecting you unlike that punk. I love you & I don't wanna hurt you in any way or form. I made a promise to your father & a promise to myself that I wouldn't hurt you. I intend to keep my promise one way or another." I said & she looked up at me. I sat right up & almost got outta her bed.

        "Baby, please don't go." she pleaded as she reached for my arm. I looked back at her & saw worry & concern in her eyes. I sighed as I laid back down & wrapped my arms around her.

        "I'm sorry, baby. I just don't wanna hurt you or disappoint your father. I'm respecting my orders & promises." I said & she cuddled up against me then soon fell asleep. I glanced at the clock; it was 10:35 pm. 'This is gonna be a long night.' I thought to myself then tried to fall asleep with Jennifer in my arms. Jennifer muttered something that I couldn't really make out but I knew she was talking in her sleep. I smiled because I thought it was very cute. I kissed her forehead then closed my eyes. I soon fell into a deep sleep in 'bout 10 minutes afterwards.

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