Chapter 1: Is it Him?!

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**** At Smoothie King

As Nicole and I say down drinking

our smoothies Nicole blurted out

"Is that Harry?!" as she pointed at the

small television in to corner.

Nicole cant help but laugh because there is smoothie dripping from my mouth as I sit there with my jaws wide open.

"It can't be!" Nicole quickly remarked

trying to pull herself together.

"But it .... IT IS!!!!!" I shouted to the top of my lungs.

I stop for a second and try to comprehend all that is going through my mind. After all these years I've been thinking and searching...

Nicole and I rush back to the dorms, as soon as we get inside I run and grab my laptop.

"Crap!" What was the name of that band he was in?! I frantically asked.

"Uhh uh" One direction! " Nicole said.

OMG! They have a concert coming to Atlanta in May!! We have to go!!!!

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