Chapter 33: The Zodiac City

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Chapter 33
The Zodiac City
Ean Davidson "Dave" Coffler

"Wait, the Zodiac City is located in the Spirit Realms?" The question comes out of my mouth like I'm joking. Sophie snickers, trying to hide the huge smile she's sporting.

Brent and Albert have told me they're a Zodiac people. My assumptions are correct. There has been a war here. Apparently they didn't know the place called Earth. I'm guessing that they have been trapped here for a very long time, just like Peitho. Peitho whines, not liking that a lot of people have suffered just to get freedom that they wanted. Peitho wanted freedom before, and it was granted to him when I was transported to this palace. He took over my body and when my consciousness had been transported to my human body, Peitho came with it.

Something tells me that Brent is also a Guardian. Both Peitho and I can feel it. He has a different aura than his boyfriend, Albert. Brent's aura and my aura are almost the same. He told me that he would be bringing me to the leader of the Zodiac City named Dylan.

At first I was confused because I thought that Zodiac City's world was a different world, not in the Spirit Realm. Both Spirit Realm and Zodiac City world are different.

"The Spirit Realm is the alternate dimension of each world." Peitho has told me when I have spilled what I know to Brent. "It's like the exact copy of places around the world and of each world. The only difference is... the Spirit Realm is the one to judge which path we're going to take when we get to the afterlife. But right now, it's not working. Everyone is stuck here and darkness is ruling. We're not in balance. With the demons waking up, the bad spirits not under control by the Shamans, it's possible that they are being ruled by the darkness. We cannot let that happen."

I told Brent what I know; from being transported just to find the portal to about spilling that we're trying to break into the Zodiac City to see what has happened there. Unfortunately, his boyfriend misunderstood me, stating that I was his enemy and he looked like he was about to unleash Hell to fight me. Peitho nearly resurfaced, ready to take over my body just in case, but when his boyfriend interrupted him, I decided to interrupt them and have a human instinct instead of having a fantasy instinct. I have become childish. That was my instinct. I stomped my foot on the ground, hoping to catch their attention, and it did. Peitho gave me a smirk. Being scared, Sophie hid behind my back, not wanting to see how this was turning out. I had to do something.

We reach the Zodiac City. This place still smells blood and all. The houses are ruined, not all, but most of them. The ground is full of dust, stained of green and red blood, little rocks and boulders. In the far end is a big house, looking like a big mansion and something nags inside me. Despite that feeling, I just ignore it and follow Albert and Brent. We turn left. I put the back of my hand over my mouth, coughing out due to the dusty place we are in.

We skid to a stop, Brent raising his hand to knock on the door. After knocking for a few seconds, he turns the knob of the door and opens the door wide, revealing two people inside. The man is on the bed, looking lifeless. The other man, whose head is resting on the man's bed, is sleeping peacefully. The walls are painted light blue, but the aura of the room is different. It's gloomy.

"Dylan?" Brent calls out in a whisper and the man raises his head up, turning to look at us. His brows are furrowed, his brown hair is tousled, looking like a truck has run over it many times. His brown eyes focus on mine, and his brows furrowed even more. Dylan seems really tired and exhausted and from the looks of it, the man laying down on the bed is very important to him. Probably his boyfriend? Why is everybody queer? I have a boyfriend. Brent has a boyfriend. Dylan has a boyfriend.

Brent helps Dylan stand up, and Albert is looking pissed all of a sudden. He's probably jealous. I don't need to pry more, but it looks like Dylan and Brent has had history. I don't want to know more about them. Dylan thanks Brent, smiling sadly as he fixes his crinkled shirt.

"Shawn's condition is still the same," Dylan says sadly as his eyes become teary. I suddenly become awkward, not wanting to see any more drama. I feel sympathy towards him. He looks really sad and all. Shawn's body is wrapped with white bandage, and there's a little tint of stained blood formed on the bandage. His chest is heaving up and down calmly. He looks okay, but I doubt that he's fighting really good for his life. In Earth, this is what you call 50/50. 50% is a chance you'd live, and the other 50% is you'd die. "He hasn't gotten any better. I fear the worst, Brent."

Brent hugs Dylan, rubbing his back soothingly. "Don't worry. He'll be fine." Brent assures him, his voice laced with assurance and hope that it affects me. Dylan sniffs, his eyes ready to pour out tears. Albert just stands near the closed door, watching them. I can see jealousy coursing through him but at the same time, I can feel his sadness pouring out. "Also, I want you to meet Dave and his spirit companion Sophie. Don't worry. They are nice. There's a thing that they'd like to discuss with us and we need the help of Beige because it will probably blow our heads off due to the massive information that we're going to receive." He tries to joke, to lighten Dylan's mood, but Dylan just throws him another sad smile.

"Hi, my name is Dave," I offer my hand and Dylan shakes it. "I'm from Earth." Oh my God, why am I thinking of Dragon Ball Z? "Ah... it's a planet where I live? I mean..." I look at Brent, hoping he'd explain to him since I've already explained it to them. Brent sighs and nods. I really don't want to go through the hard explanations again.

Albert and Brent tell Dylan everything; from where I came from to finding out the portal that leads to the different worlds to telling him about breaking into the Zodiac City. Dylan seems lost from the story. I guess if your boyfriend is on the bed, lifeless, you wouldn't be able to focus on something. Your head will just drift into your boyfriend again and again. It happens to me always. I always think of Perry.

How is he doing right now? Is he good? Is Marcus with him? Is he having fun or just staying in his room, waiting for me to come back home in his arms?

Dylan looks at his boyfriend for a couple of seconds before sighing out loud, his shoulders sagging down as he practically drags himself out of the room. Brent nods at me, motioning for me and Albert to follow them. We get out of the room and before Dylan shuts the door, he gives his boyfriend a longing, yearning, and full of pain look before he shuts the door behind us.

"Beige's house is just a couple of houses away from here," Dylan speaks as he leads us to Beige's house, whoever that is. He straightens his back, craning his neck and it pops, which makes me flinch. Brent gives him a worried look but Dylan just brushes him off, chuckling. "I'm fine. It's actually nice to go out, even if I was so stubborn to do it in the first place. I just didn't want to leave Shawn alone. It's making me crazy. I guess I was just scared and in a way, I still am."

Brent doesn't say anything. Instead he just follows him like we do. Silence greets us, tension thick and clear, hovering in the air and ready to brush past us.

"If we find the portal as soon as possible," I begin to speak, which makes the three look at me, "your boyfriend will get the healing treatment. I know some of the people who are a healers and I can assure you that they can heal Shawn as fast as possible." Dylan's eyes shine at my statement, hope flickering in his eyes and suddenly burning after a few seconds. I think of Beige the Healer back in the pack land. She's really good at healing.

Turning right at the far end corner of the street, I catch a glimpse of the big, dark mansion and something tells me that I should go in there.

"Hey, whose house is that?" I ask them, pointing my index finger at the old mansion.

Albert makes a face and the two men frown. "That's Penthra Kaztala's house," Brent states with disgust.

"The woman who nearly killed us all had Shawn not interfered and saved us all," Dylan ends Brent's statement.

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