AntVenom and BajanCanadian vs. DizzneyCRAX and jakeskater13

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The master fighters AntVenom and his teammate The Great BajanCanadian walked through the Survival Games X arena determined to cut down any resistance trying to prevent thier win. They came upon a small pond and on the other side was another team. DizzneyCRAX and jakeskater13, the two teams began a faceoff... No one dared to move as their glares burned into the reciever's eyes.

Then jakeskater13 jumped into the shallow pond charging towards his two enemies. AntVenom also jumped in as CRAX and Bajan took out thier bows. jakeskater swung his axe like a madman at AntVenom while he countered with his sword. Meanwhile on land, Dizzney dodged an arrow while also shooting at Bajan, he also dodges and takes out his sword.

Jakeskater was able to disarm Ant and kept trying to hit him with his axe, Ant grabbed the handle and tried to wrestle it from his hand. DizzneyCRAX shot an arroy in the sky and resumed fighting Bajan with his blade. Bajan did a barrel roll right into CRAX's legs tripping him. AntVenom was suddenly struck in his head by an arrow and sunk in the pond. Jakeskater then went to assist Dizzney with Bajan. Bajan then kicked CRAX into skater and then took out his bow and quickly drew an arrow. He retreated into the forest keeping his eyes on the enemy...

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