1st May 1192 Part 1

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I do not own Robin Hood BBC or any of the characters. I just wrote this for fun and my love of Allan A Dale.

Chapter 1

1st May 1192

"I will ask one more time, where is Robin?!" The Sheriff sneered, his voice rising with rage. All of the villagers just kept staring at the ground with blank looks on their faces. Even the great Sheriff of Nottingham knew that no one would ever give up Robin's location, even if they knew where he was. "Alright, if that's how it is going to be." He scanned the small crowd and stopped at a young, light-haired maiden. He gave her a little smirk. "Brand her." Her heart started racing as three of his guards grabbed her and tried to keep her still.

"Please let me go!" The young woman screamed and tried to get out of their grip, but it was no use. "Have mercy!" She pleaded with the Sheriff as the man with the red hot branding rod walked over, the blazing heat intensifying the closer it came to her face. She whimpered and braced herself for the agonizing pain when everyone heard something whizzing through the air. The guard with the branding iron dropped it to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his hand. The other guards let go of the young maiden and she dropped to the ground. The rest of the villagers looked up when they heard the familiar voice they were waiting for.

"Haven't you learned by now that no one here would ever tell you anything that would put me in danger?" The young maiden turned her head to see Robin Hood walking towards the Sheriff. Behind him, she saw a small cluster of men that she had never seen with Robin before. One of the men looked so familiar, but it took her a moment to place him.

"It can't be." She barely whispered. Looking back at Robin and the Sheriff arguing, she carefully crept up to the man. "Allan?" She asked. The light brown haired man turned to her.

"Yes. Do I know you?" She started to cry.

"I can't believe it's you! We thought you were dead!" He shifted uncomfortably, not quite sure who she was. "It's me, Cassandra." It took Allan a moment, looking the maiden over. As soon as his eyes lit up, Cassandra smiled. He remembered her.

"Cassy, is that really you?" He asked in disbelief. Cassandra nodded and he went to embrace her when a fight broke out. Allan took out his cutlass and looked at his childhood friend. "I will come back just after nightfall, wait for me until then." Cassandra nodded and Allan ran to help Robin. Cassandra just stared in amazement as everyone was screaming and running around her.

Cassandra hadn't seen Allan in twelve years and now, seeing him fighting alongside Robin Hood, it was as if she was in a dream. After a few minutes, Robin and everyone else with him were running after the Sheriff, chasing him into the woods. Cassandra waited until they went out of sight, then turned to walk back to her house.

Cassandra's small house was on the very outskirts of the manor and far away from anyone, so not many people came to visit her. Not that she minded in the slightest. She kept mostly to herself and preferred to be left alone.

As she opened her door, she began to prepare a loaf of bread with the few ingredients she had. She had been unable to get many things from the market the previous day as the taxes once again were raised.

While the loaf was cooking, Cassandra anxiously paced the floor. She was waiting until the sun went down, to finally reunite with her best friend. The last person she cared about in the world.

At last, nightfall came and Cassandra started on the fifteen-minute journey to reach the village square. When she arrived, everyone was in their houses and she was the only one outside, just standing in the darkness.

"Psst Cassy!" She heard someone whisper. Cassandra looked around and saw Allan walking towards her. She smiled and waved him over.

"Follow me!" Cassandra whispered back and they walked to her house in silence, with Cassandra several feet in front of Allan. When they reached the house, Cassandra opened the door and motioned him to come quickly. He looked to the left and the right, then sprinted to the house.

"Cassy! It's so good to see you!" Allan exclaimed and pulled her into a tight hug. Cassandra squealed with glee and he set her down. Cassandra raised her hand and slapped him on the cheek. Allan jumped, surprised by the hit and put his hand to his sore cheek. "Oi! What was that for?"

"That was for leaving for twelve years!"

"It's been twelve years?" Cassandra leaned toward him and softly kissed him on the cheek that she slapped.

"And that's for coming back." Allan grinned.

"Well, maybe I should leave more often." He said, still grinning that goofy grin he has had since they were kids.

"I have missed you so much, Allan. And your parents, they were worried sick!" He sighed.

"I always intended to come back, but I never had the chance." Allan looked to the floor. Cassandra felt guilty, she didn't want to make him sad during their reunion. She didn't know how long she had him for.

"Allan, I didn't mean to make you upset." Cassandra reached out and touched his arm. He looked up at her, giving her a cheeky grin.

"Gotcha." He chuckled. Cassandra rolled her eyes and poked his side, causing him to pull away with a near silent squeak. She brought her hand back in surprise, then smirked.

"Allan, are you still ticklish?" His eyes widened slightly and took a step back.

"Um no." He said as she reached over to him again. "Cassy no!" Allan protested as Cassandra backed him into a corner and dug her fingers into his sides. "Wait! Please! Don't!" He laughed as he sank to the floor.

"Wow, you are worse than I remember!" Cassandra said, looking down at the squirming, laughing mess.

"Cassy stop!" He gasped through his laughter.

"Fine." Cassandra grinned and got off of him. For a few seconds, he just laid there, trying to catch his breath. She sat down on the floor next to him. "So, one of Robin Hood's big, strong, mighty men has a weakness." She teased.

"Don't you dare tell anyone, especially not Robin, or anyone else with him." Allan warned her, pushing himself up to a sitting position.

"And if I did?" She asked him. He gave her a mischievous smile, making Cassandra nervous and she tried to scramble back.

"I'll do this." He said and launched himself at her, dancing his fingers against her sides.

"Allan no! Please!" Cassandra squealed and grabbed onto his wrists, trying to pull them off her.

"Then promise you won't say anything!" Allan insisted, laughing along with her.

"I promise!" Cassandra stuttered. Allan let her go and she sat up, glaring at him. "I forgot how much I hated it when you did that." Cassandra said and playfully shoved him.

"Well, it wasn't a walk through a meadow for me either." Allan chuckled and stood up. He outstretched one of his arms to help her up. She gladly took it and stood in front of him, just staring into his eyes. She still felt like she was dreaming. Like at any moment, she would wake up and Allan would be gone again.

"What are you staring at?" He asked her.

"It's just been so long. I'm afraid I'll wake up and you'll be gone." Cassandra admitted. Allan chuckled and grabbed for her hand.

"Does this feel real?" Cassandra nodded, old feelings welling up inside her.

So this is only chapter one of many to come. If you liked it please stick around for the rest!!!!!!!

*ON HOLD FOR SERIOUS EDITS* That's Worth Fighting For. (A Robin Hood BBC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now