1st May 1192 Part 2

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Chapter 2

1st May 1192

"Are you hungry? I made some bread." Cassandra quickly changed the subject, looking away from him. She walked over to grab the bread, forcing those old wounds back down.

"I'm starving, thanks Cassy." She put the bread on the table and they started to eat. "So, how have you been doing?" Allan asked.

"Okay I guess." Cassandra followed his gaze to her left hand.

"You aren't married?" He blurted out.

"What kind of a question is that?"

"Well, when we were children, you used to dream about your wedding, so I assumed that you would have been married by now. I mean, what are you seventeen?"

"I'm twenty Allan." She responded flatly.

"Well, why have you waited so long?" Cassandra glanced at the floor, then back at Allan.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just waiting for the perfect man." She answered, looking directly at him. He just kept on eating until he realized that she was looking at him.

"What?" Cassandra rolled her eyes.

"It's you dunderhead!" He took a sharp breath and almost choked on his bread.

"Me? Cassy, why would you pick me? I'm an outlaw. You could be hanged for inviting me into your home."

"Then I'll join you. I can cook and I'm pretty handy with a bow."

"But you're a woman." Allan said. Cassandra glared at him and walked over to her bed. She bent down to reach under it, pulling out her bow and quiver. "Well it's a nice bow, but what does that prove?" He asked. She drew an arrow and shot, the arrow landing barely half an inch away from his hand. Allan looked from the arrow, to his friend, then back to the arrow. "Where did you learn that?" He asked in disbelief.

"My father taught me so that I could learn to fend for myself."

"You are amazing." He said and stood up. Cassandra scoffed.

"Oh, so now you are looking at me." Allan grabbed her hand.

"Come with me." He took the rest of the bread and practically pulled Cassandra out the door.

"Wait, my horse." Cassandra let go of Allan's hand and went behind her house to get her horse from the small stable. "Allan!" Cassandra called quietly as she saddled up her horse. Allan appeared from the side of the house as Cassandra got on. She held out her hand and Allan took it, climbing on behind her.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she led her horse into the woods.

"You will see, just keep going that way." He said, pointing east. Cassandra brought her horse to a trot and Allan put his arms around her for stability. Cassandra smiled to herself, remembering dreams she used to have of riding off into the woods with Allan. After a little while, Cassandra saw a small fire approaching. She tapped Allan's arm and slowed her horse.

"Is that the place?" She whispered.

"Yeah, that's it." Allan confirmed and Cassandra halted her horse. Before they could dismount, five people were gathered around, their weapons drawn and aimed at the two friends. "Wait!" Allan yelled, raising his arms.

"Allan? Where have you been?" Robin asked him, the men lowering their weapons. Allan got off the horse. "Who is she?" He asked cautiously.

"This is Cassandra, my childhood friend." Allan helped her off the horse and handed her her quiver of arrows.

"Hello." Cassandra smiled nervously at the men, the weapons lowered but still in their hands. Robin pulled Allan aside, but stayed close enough for the six people to hear the conversation.

"How do you know she isn't with the sheriff?" Robin hissed quietly. "We've been tricked before."

"She was the one who was almost branded by the sheriff. And bringing her here was my idea."

"Allan" Robin sounded exasperated.

"Look Robin, I've known her since we were children. I trust her, and I think you should give her a chance." Allan tried to convince him. "And think, having a woman in the gang could be a valuable asset. She could go places we can't and they would be a lot less likely to suspect a woman. Not to mention she is great with a bow." Robin opened his mouth to protest, but just let out a sigh. "Robin, you know I'm right. Just give her a chance. Please."

"Fine." Cassandra tried not to show her excitement. "On a trial basis. And only if you can keep your head. You are responsible for her training."

"Thanks Robin. You won't regret it." Allan smiled.

"I'd better not." He warned and they approached the group. "Everyone, this is Cassandra. She will be with us on a trial basis. Allan will be in charge of her." Robin and his gang walked back over to the campfire, Allan and Cassandra lagging behind.

"Thank you Allan." Cassandra smiled and touched his hand. "I'll do my best not to let you or Robin down." Allan flashed her a small smile and they all sat around the fire. There was a pot sitting on the logs, the smell of meat and vegetables filling their noses. Allan passed around the rest of the loaf Cassandra had made and the man with the hat spooned out some of the food for her. All the men were eyeing her carefully, making Cassandra feel a little on edge and outnumbered. Allan could sense her discomfort and decided to speak up.

"C'mon guys. I know having a woman in the camp is a new thing, but staring and making her uncomfortable isn't exactly the welcome she should get. Why don't we introduce ourselves?" Allan suggested. Robin spoke up first.

"I guess I'll go first. Cassandra, I'm Robin, which I'm sure you know." She nodded.

"Yes, and thank you for saving me from being branded." He nodded and looked toward the man in the hat.

"I'm Much. Thanks for the bread Cassandra." She smiled.

"I'm Will Scarlett." The skinny, young man said quietly.

"Little John." The big, burly man said gruffly. Cassandra couldn't help but feel intimidated by him. Lastly, the man who was sitting on the other side of Cassandra, who hadn't stopped glaring at her, spoke up.

"Roy." He said flatly.

"It's nice to meet you all. I appreciate the opportunity to work with you." Cassandra nodded, the tension easing a little. Robin stood up and gathered the dishes.

"It's getting late. We should turn in." The gang stood up and walked to a cluster of trees with several hanging beds weaved between. "Allan, you have first watch." Allan nodded in reply and Robin quickly put out the fire. He walked over to his bed, leaving the childhood friends alone in the dark.

"I have first watch, so you can take my bed for the night. We can figure something else out in the morning." Allan whispered and led Cassandra to his bed.

"But Allan, where will you sleep after watch?" Cassandra protested.

"I'll be fine. Get some rest." He assured her and he walked over to the firepit. Cassandra carefully got into the swinging bed and tried to get comfortable. While she laid in the dark, her mind just wouldn't shut off. Everything happened so fast, but she was basically now an outlaw. And this meant her quiet life on the outskirts of Nettlestone was over and now she would spend the rest of her life living in the woods. And she had never been so excited in her life. It almost made everything she had to go through worth it, especially now that Allan was back in her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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