Chapter 4: "Discussion"

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Draco's Pov;

I led Potter down the corridors, confusion written in his face as to where I was bringing him and why.

"What's going on Malfoy?" He questioned as I quickened my pace.

We neared an empty classroom, and I opened the door walking in before I replied to his question. "We've been cursed."

"What are you talking about?" He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head, his other hand on his wand under his robe. His body was tense, I could tell that he was ready to fight if so be it.

I sat on the corner of a dusty desk as he stood across from me. "I don't know. But you haven't noticed it?"

"Noticed what?" Was Potter really that dimwitted? Had he not noticed something was off? He's supposed to be the chosen one isn't he?

"Dammit Potter, think! Have you not felt off since we bumped into each other last night? Emotions you can't explain...?"

"Malfoy... are you... confessing to me?" He stared at me taken back.

"No! Of coarse not you ass! Don't flatter yourself!" My cheeks hewed, how stupid can someone be, I could never like Potter, I mean have you seen him?

"What I'm saying is that we were cursed last night, they entwined our emotions. I feel something, you feel it And vice versa."

"Is that what that green light was? Now that I think of it... I've felt off all day. Who would have done that!" He raised his voice slightly and paced back and forth.

"I don't know, but if I find out I swear to god they won't see the light of day again. Do they think this is some sick joke?" I replied as anger boiled up inside of me.

"We need to tell Dumbledore!" Harry raced towards the door.

I ran and jumped in front of him, preventing him from leaving. "We can't do that Potter. We can't tell anybody."

"Why not? He can help us!" Harry tried to push me out of the way but failed.

"Don't you understand that this is a weakness for both of us? Say Voldemort found out about this... we could be used to harm the other." I explained.

Harry stopped squirming, suddenly aware of the seriousness of this issue. "You're right." He breathed, slowly walking over to a desk and sitting on top of it. "Well what do we do?"

"We need to keep this on a down low until we figure out how to remove it. We'll need to meet occasionally to see if we find anything." I claimed.

"Other than that it'd be best if we acted normally." Harry added.

"That won't be hard, it's not like this changes the fact that your an ass." I smirked at him.

"And it doesn't change the fact that you're a stuck up twit, Malfoy," He smiled.

"Dick head."

Harry opened his mouth but closed it again and stood up to leave. That seemed to hit a nerve. I smiled contently at this. Of course there is nothing wrong with being gay... I am myself. I felt a sudden pang in my chest... what is that feeling? Hurt? Is Harry actually...

"Potter." I called out and he turned around slowly.

"What , Malfoy." He replied with a pained expression on his face.

"Sor-*cough* I mean... "look for clues". I cleared my throat and fixed my usual blank face.

He nodded and left.

What was I about to say... man this curse must be really effecting me. Never have I once said Sorry, yet I went to just now. This situation is going to suck ass. We need to figure out what exactly is going on.

I stood up and made my way to the library. The corridors were empty, no students or teachers in sight, just the smell of musty old castle. We better find something soon, I entered the library, I don't know how long I can handle being emotionally attached to the idiot. I sneered and scanned through books on curses. Let's just hope there is a way to reverse it.

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I last updated. I haven't had any motivation for this story, I'm sorry! I hope you guys enjoyed this quick chapter... not sure how I feel about it just yet. It may take me a little bit of time to get my writing style back again.

Not sure when i'll update again but I'm try to when I can:)

Thank you so much for reading😊

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