Chapter 7: "An Understanding"

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Harry's POV;

The night dawned later as I searched the many shelves for any clue to what hex was used on Draco and I the other night.

I opened a worn book, cover blue and black the pages yellow with age. 'Hexes and History' was printed across the front just barely visible. My eyes scanned the pages, blurring occasionaly from lack of sleep. 'How to inflict anger', 'The path to happiness', and other titles line the pages. But nothing about linking two peoples emotions. I sighed and returned the book to its home amongst the hundreds of other books in this section.

My eyes made their way to Malfoy who was making his way through another shelf of books down the aisle from me. I could still feel his pain, his sadness. Whatever was weighing him down was serious.

I thought back to earlier today, I'm sure I saw a tear before he took off. My eyes watered slightly, before drying again. I've never seen Malfoy let his guard down like that before, I assumed he wasn't even capable of crying. I was wrong.

I glanced back over to him. "Hey, Malfoy..." my voice was quiet.

At first I didn't think he heard me, but he eventually spoke back.

"What do you want, Potter." His eyes not leaving the book he had opened across his lap.

"About earlier today.. I-" I began but Draco interrupted.

"Stop. Nothing happened earlier today. Now screw off, I'm leaving." He stood up abruptly, dropping the book from his lap onto the floor, the pages face down.

"Wait, Draco!" I called. "I'm sorry, you don't have to talk about it. You're right, nothing happened. I saw nothing. Just don't go, stay and look for a solution." He stopped walking and his head dropped slightly. "Please".

Malfoy breathed in sharply and walked quickly back to where he was sitting not speaking a word.

He picked up the book that laid across the floor, flipping the pages trying to return to the spot he last was at.

Minutes passed with no exchange of words, my heart ached painfully.

"My father..." I jumped slightly as Malfoy's words startled me, breaking the awkward silence that sat between us. I looked towards him.

"He doesn't want me to go home for Christmas this year. He wants me to stay here, alone." His head hung low as he avoided eye contact with me, his hands squeezing down on the sides of a book. "He expects so much of me, yet he doesn't even talk to me about what I want. I need to be who he wants me to be, not who I am."

My eyes began to water as Draco's did. "I know how that feels, for everyone to expect so much of you. It isn't fair."

"Yeah.." Draco mumbled quietly.

"You need to be someone you're proud of, not someone your father is." I tried to continue the conversation. Who knew this whole time Draco felt the exact same way as me.

"It's not that simple." He replied.

"Why not?"

"It just isn't. I don't know what he'd do to me if I even told him how I felt." Draco flinched slightly. Fear built up in my chest.

"He wouldn't hurt you would he?" I squeezed my leg anxiously.

Draco looked up at me, his eyes staring into mine. He didn't have to speak for me to know the answer.

And through all of what has happened, I now felt more connected to Malfoy more than ever.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the update, about time for one huh;)

I just published a chapter to a new original story of mine called 'Dancing On Rooftops' and it would me the world to me if you all checked it out!

Thank you xo

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