The Beast Inside

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I don't look anywhere but up as I fall back from the three story roof. Maybe this time no-one will be at the bottom, and I'll finally get my wish, to be dead. No-one cares about me, they'll just sell me once they get me off the acohol. Sell me off to some cruel, unforgiving master that'll abuse me and more than likely use me as a god damned sex slave.

Like hell I'll stand by and let that happen.

"Demetria you fucking idiot!" Josh, my best friend - only friend - yells as he catches me, saving me yet again from my own demise.

"Have you ever thought maybe, just maybe, I wanted to die? And not be saved?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Keep calm. Take a few breaths. You're fine. You're just a little tipsy, you can handle yourself." I convince myself to stay calm, best not let the beast out-

"Have you ever thought maybe I don't fucking care?! D, you're going to kill yourself to get out of this?! That's not fucking fair to you and it's definitely not fair to me. So instead of being a little bitch and taking the easy way out come talk to me." He yells.

"Easy way out? Josh, you may be my best friend but you just fucked up. Sorry bout you're luck, asshole."

I never mean for it to show, I never meant for this at all. His body is so, small. My body grew and morphed into the beast I always loved and feared. I am the monster you fear at night, the one in all the fairy book tales. I am the big, bad wolf.

His screams aren't what I asked for. I didn't ask to kill him so, painfully. I didn't ask for the blood to me on my hands - paws. I didn't ask for any of this yet somehow it's happened. I've gone and killed him, there's nothing I can do about it.

After I've realized what I've done, there's no turning back. I look up to see the gang, surrounding me. I've gotta run or they'll kill me right here, right now. So that's just what I do. I turn and I run like a motherfucker before they can kill me.

"Goodbye, Lareth City. I won't miss you, not in the slightest."


After about five hours of nonstop running, I'm exausted. My form collapses and I deal yet again with the agony of transforming back into a human for about twenty minutes. Finally, after it's all over, my shaky form stands, my grey eyes survey the scene.

I'm in the desert and it's night time. I shiver and quickly grab my arms, rubbing up and down in a desperate attempt to keep warm. But, eventually I realize I'm going to need food, water and a place to stay, and it's my lucky day.

Looking off into the distance I see a large city. Holy shit- it's-

"Death City, where me father is." I mutter to myself. Holy shit it's big.

"Hello? Who might you be?" I hear a voice ask. I quickly turn around and come face-to-face with a black haired teen that has three white stripes on the left side of his head.

"I-I'm Demetria. Demetria Stone." I lie, well, half-lie. Stein is my last name, but I don't take much pride in a father who was never there. Didn't even try to stick it out, just told that witch of a mother to, and I fucking quote, "Get rid of it." Thanks dad, love you too.

"Are you here to attend the DWMA? I can take you there, if you'd like. You look like you might need a place to stay, or at least somewhere to get bandaged up." He says, looking at my arm where a gunshot grazed my shoulder.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks." I nod, my Irish accent clearly tainting the air along with unknown drugs and acoholic beverages. He just nods and starts walking towards the daunting city in front of us.

In a pink flash, both guns in his hands turn into humans, presumably sisters based on their soul make-up. Yes, I am a meister able to look at people's souls. But, I can do more than just look. I'm able to examine them, figure out everything about it. My mother told me it's a gift I recieved from my father, but I'd like to think it's a gift from myself from working and training so hard.

"Hey Kid, who's this?" The taller one asks.

"She says her name is Demetria Stone." The boy plainly responds. She looks back at me then mutters something into his ear. He turns to face me, walking closer until his body is almost touching mine.

"Tell me, Demetria, who are your parents?" He asks. Fuck, what do I say?!

"They died before I could ever really know who they were. I was taken in by some people not too far from here but I doubt they'll even notice I'm gone."

And this is just the beginning of my web of lies and deception.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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