Erica is the package deliverer, but she is new at her job. They teased her by saying the house she had to deliver to was haunted. They said no one came back when they go out of town, and the house was just out of town. They said that's why they hired her because the last person to have her job never came back. She thought that they where just being rude, because she is younger. She thought that she would find out eventually, because he had a package she needed to deliver.
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NEXT DAY, Erica decided she would deliver his package first. She realized he had to sign the paper, then Erica started to get nervous. She was hoping it wasn't an old house, but with her luck it was an old broken house. She was wondering if it was haunted, she got scared. She noticed that they were saying he had a dog, she thought why was is he not barking. She was about to knock when the door opened slowly with nobody standing there, but a body of a dead dog.