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It has been 9 days since the dead body found in an abandoned lot was identified to be Louella Bernardo's. The body was found when a jogger's dog trespassed into the lot and found the remains.

The body was burnt beyond recognition and DNA testing was not an option. When a body burns, DNA dies - making identification impossible.

Personal possessions of Louella such as jewelry have been found near the body but it was only until the medical reports were out that the speculations were confirmed. Dental records showed that the body was indeed Louella's - much to the devastation of her family, friends and her fiance.

Louella was the youngest child of the respectable Bernardo family and everyone loved her. Some of those who know her would even go as far as to call her perfect. Louella was different from what everyone her age considered to be beautiful and interesting. She had healthy glowing golden skin and eyes that captivated each soul that looked into them.

But with those deep and mysterious eyes was a sweet and comforting smile that she freely gave to everyone. Louella wasn't the smartest but she was always kind and ready to help. She was soft-spoken and respectful.

Sweet and lovely Louella was everyone's favorite. She was like a living porcelain doll which everyone adored and took care of. Louella was an angel on earth.

Her father, Armando Bernardo is a well-known business mogul respected by the Philippine business world. At an early age, he has wowed other business men with his excellence in handling their family company. It wasn't too soon that Armando has carved their name as one of the richest families in the Philippines.

Louella's mother is the socialite Miranda Alvarez-Bernardo from the prominent Alvarez clan. Like her daughter, Miranda was also one of the most well-loved ladies of the upperclass.

Even until her marriage to Armando, Miranda has been an active supporter of several charities. They said it was from her that Louella got her grace, beauty and advocacy to awareness in various social issues.

Her only sibling is her older brother Louis Marion Bernardo, direct heir to the family business and one of the Philippines' most sought after bachelors. Marion has recently finished his master's degree in business from Standford University.

Marion has long gained attention with his exemplary service to the community while he was finishing his bachelor's degree in the Philippines. Since he was back from Standford, he has been helping their father manage the business.

It was only a little bit over half a year ago when Louella turned 18. It was a grand celebration and it was the talk of the town. Not only was Louella handed her inheritance as heiress of the Bernardo family.

It was on her debut party that her engagement with Lucas Padilla was also announced. Lucas is the only son of another well-respected business man, Romulo Padilla.

In Memory of Louella | #KNLabyrinthWCWhere stories live. Discover now