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trigger warning: mention of rape, violence


After failing to contact Vince that morning, Detective Marco had gone to Glendale Colleges to continue the investigation. They spent the previous days conducting investigations in the Bernardo's office, among their closest friends and business partners, as well as the caretakers and owners of the vacant lot where her body was found. The police have not yet gathered any substantial evidence to charge anyone for the murder of Louella Bernardo.

Today, the investigation continues and the first stop in the school was the faculty room.

She was said to be everyone's favorite except for Mrs. Tenorio who did not consider Louella's kindness enough to make up for her bad grades.

"Mrs. Tenorio. We've had a number of students testify that you seem to have a strong dislike towards the victim - humiliating her in front of class a multiple of times." the detective asked as he clutched the recorder in his hands.

"With all due respect, Mr. Detective, I am sorry for Ms. Bernardo's demise but that has nothing to do with me and my teaching." The professor said with a tensed jaw, angered that her reputation as one of the most respected professors was questioned. "I am here to teach, not to dilly-dally. The truth is that Ms. Bernardo has very poor performance in my class and I do not play favorites just because everyone thinks she was heaven-sent."

On the other hand, Lucas Padilla has gotten out of bed early that day. It took Lucas 3 days to discreetly accomplish everything in the instructions given to him. He took advantage of everyone's grief and carried them out.

He has distributed the contents of his bank accounts to his anonymous accounts. Some, he had withdrawn. He located the address on the note and bought a bus ticket to it.

The most important instruction was not to get caught and he did just that.


It was right in the middle of the scorching noon when Lucas finally arrived at the house where the address pointed to. It was one of the older and secluded Padilla rest houses that no one seems to want. It has been transferred to his name a year ago and he has mentioned it to Louella once.

When he got there, the house was empty. He has called the caretaker, telling him of his visit. He said he wanted some time alone to grieve for his fiance.

But by the time Lucas arrived, he was greeted by a delicious scent that led him by the swimming pool. He immediately headed there and saw a familiar girl.

Noticing his presence, the girl smiled at him before gesturing him to move. "Lucas! Take a seat. I cooked for you. You like my steak, right?" She said, pushing him on the chair with his back facing the pool. Before the girl could fully let go of him, Lucas wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Louella! I'm so glad you're alright. I knew deep in my heart that you were out here somewhere. My heart refused to believe that you were gone. It knows that you're alive." he muttered as he buried his face on her neck. He took in her scent. He never thought he'd be able to hold her this close and smell her again.

Louella laughed before shrugging herself free from Lucas' hold. She smiled at him. "Well I'm here. I'm alive. My plan worked." She said with a wide smile before clasping her glove clad hands on top of the table.

Louella was looking different then. It was as if she had been preparing for their reunion. It made Lucas smile.

"Right. Of course. Shall we celebrate then? Cheers!" He said, raising the glass of wine beside him.

In Memory of Louella | #KNLabyrinthWCWhere stories live. Discover now