Chapter 1 ~ Escape

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I changed the story into an AU, so I have also changed the age of Maya. She is now 17. x




break free from confinement or control.

I unfolded the paper in my hands. ‘Cornwall, a place of beauty, happiness, and love’ it beamed, with a totally photoshopped picture of some stupid beach. Beauty, happiness and love my ass. I scrunched up the paper and flicked it under my seat.

“It’ll be a nice break from here until you go to College!” My mother had said.

“And even better, you get to bond with your dad! You haven’t seen him in ages! It’ll be great fun!”

I had nodded weakly, but even a blind man could’ve seen through my mother’s lies.

Of course I wasn’t going to miss California. I hated it there, with Mum and Ashton, and poor innocent Emily… Then again, I couldn’t avoid the vague but piercing anguish I felt as the plane lifted off the ground and I left my life behind.

Undercooked sausages in mashed potatoes and green stuff I couldn’t quite classify, an awfully brewed beverage they named dégoûtant and a neighbour that honestly smelt worse than his food.


I heaved my suitcase through the arrivals terminal behind the other sweaty people from the flight. Now what? My Dad was nowhere to be seen. How was I supposed to recognise him, anyway? My memories of him are as vague as a dream.

I could feel someone’s presence behind me.

I turned around to see a man with grey, shabby hair, sweaty skin and awful grey stubble. He held a startled look, as if he didn’t expect me to notice him. I swallowed, trying to hide my disgust. I waited for him to answer - an explanation maybe? – But he stayed silent, that constant look of surprise etched onto him. “Uh, can I help you, sir?” I tried, backing away from his hard, green eyes. And then I realised; those eyes, they were just like mine…

“Maya…?” He said, gulping. I nodded, still a little shaken. He exhaled loudly, shaking his head with a smile. “God, you’ve grown up!” He chuckled, bringing me in for a hug. I squinted, trying to avoid his moist pits. “Well, it has been 15 years” I responded, shaking out of his grip. He was silent, and I feared I said something wrong, but he just chuckled at his feet again. “C’mon, you’ll love it ‘ere” He lead me to this shabby blue truck with paint peelings and rust around the edges. He heaved my suitcases into the back, and I stood there, staring. “A beauty, isn’t she?” He smiled, patting it contently. I scrunched my nose as I got in.



“This is your house?” I asked, examining the lounge of this unpretentious house that sat on the coast of the beach. He sighed. “Yep. And that’s all there is”. I turned to him and opened my mouth to say something, but thought otherwise. I walked past his raven, grand piano.

God, it had been long since I tried one of those. I slid my finger across its slick structure, fingering each key carefully.

Memories flooded back.

Florida; Julliard; My mom and Dad – together…

I shook them away and peeled myself away from the piano.

Walking into my room, I closely looked around, examining it. I chucked my suitcase in a corner and dropping onto my bed. It had to be at least one trillion degrees outside. Time for a walk. I stuffed some money and a map in my pocket and walked out. I couldn’t be bothered brushing my knotted, blonde hair, so I left it out and walked into the lounge, avoiding my Dad who was dusting his annoyingly memorable piano. I swallowed and opened the door, taking a step outside.

“Uh, where do you think you’re going?” My dad asked, still examining his piano. I shuffled for a bit.

“On an adventure”. I decided. He began carefully dusting each key.

“How’re you gonna find your way around?” I shrugged. “I’ll find my way”

“And if you get lost?”

 I fingered the small map in my back pocket I had picked up at the airport.

“I won’t”

“But if you did?”

I hesitated.

“Face it. You wouldn’t care anyways”.

He looked up sharply, but I was already gone.

I strode along the footpath, taking in the smell of cotton candy and strawberries, examining the various stores adorning the streets. No towering buildings, or flashing billboards. The town was pretty much last-generation. I sighed, running a hand through my humidified, blonde hair and flapped my spare hand to create a bit of wind this hot, hot day. I sat down on a park bench, fanning myself with the map, eyeing the smoothie stall longingly. I fished out the cash and walked over. I scanned the menu, a raspberry smoothie catching my eye. I ordered my well-deserved drink, wiping my brow as the cashier went to make it. He handed it to me and I sipped it immediately, taking in the blissful absence of heat in my mouth. Why was it so hot? And how in the world did the people here survive? How was I going to survive?

It hit me hard.

I groaned, wincing as my hand pressed against my throbbing forehead.

What in the world..?

I sat up from the floor, my forehead still thumping. “Are… Are you okay?!” An Irish accented someone asked, offering me his hand. I didn’t bother looking up or taking his hand offering. My smoothie was all over me. All gone. Gone. I exhaled loudly. “Hey, uh, I could buy you a new drink…” He said, my eyes still fixed on my once clean top. “Forget it” I sighed, turning around, avoiding eye contact completely. I stopped mid-step, eyeing the innocent soccer ball sitting there. Taking a deep breath, I took a step back and kicked it hard.

I could hear him cussing under his breath as I walked away, Cali girl style.


So there it is! Chapter 1. Hope you liked it! I know it's super confusing because I haven't really got into the story line yet. That's all I really have to say. Hope everyone had a great week xxx

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