Chapter 2 ~ Memory

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~Chapter 2~



1. the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.

2. something remembered from the past.

As soon as I was out of sight, I ran. I ran home, the smell of my raspberry smoothie itching my nose. I ran faster, almost tripping over my undone laces of my shoes. Treading up the wooden steps, I pounded my fists on the wooden door. Sighing, I rested against the wall, pressing my ear to the door. I could hear the faint sound of the piano. A familiar piece, one I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The tinkling melody of the keys lurched in my ear; invading my head.

Oh god.

I closed my eyes. This song…

I turned around and took a step, just as the music stopped and the door opened.


I turned back, biting my lip nervously. “Yes?”

He looked at me with a familiar expression I couldn’t give a name. “You’re back early!” He said with recognisable over-enthusiasm. I nodded, watching him eye the smoothie stains all over me. He sniffed a bit. “Raspberry smoothie, huh?” He asked, sniffing again. I nodded again, in awe. He chuckled. “Ahh, those good ole’ smoothies. Irresistible, eh?” I gave my dad a weird look, kind of shocked he could make out smoothies by scent.

“Don’t bother asking how all this…” I indicated to my stained clothes “.Happened. Because I have no explanation”. He opened his mouth but I was already half way across the lounge, making my way into my room. I stripped myself of my stained clothes and slipped on a loose tank and some shorts. As I scraped my hair into a ponytail, I could hear the grand piano drifting from the lounge once again. I dumped my clothes on the floor, sighing. They can be handled later. Scrunching my eyes closed, I crossed my fingers and walked out of my room.

“Maya! Right on time!” My father said, the calming music stopping a split second after. I turned on my heel to face my father, who was seated on the velvet piano stool. “Have you played in a while?” He asked, patting the damn thing. “Um, not really…” I muttered, shifting uneasily. It had been more than a while. Way more. I saw my father’s expression transform from an uber-happy grin to a frown, his forehead scrunched to about twenty thousand wrinkles. “Seriously? You really haven’t? You were so good, Maya! Julliard had their eye on you from the start!” I looked at my nails, desperate for something to do with my hands. “Actually, they sort of gave up on me. I think I’ll stick to becoming a doctor” I said, chuckling slightly to fill in the awkwardness. “Is that what you want?” My father asked. “To be a doctor? Really? You used to love playing the pian-“

“That was 10 years ago, Dad! I’m 17. I’ve made my decisions now, and I’ve worked hard for this. I’m not going to turn around to some stupid instrument I was supposedly ‘good’ at”. I blurted angrily, before heading the other direction, to the kitchen. At least food understood. I took out some potato chips and choved one in my mouth, my father’s words ringing in my ears. ‘Is that what you want?’ I groaned, shoving two more chips in my mouth. You would think a 17 year old would know what she wants. Of course, there was that stupid little twinge that made me think again.


It’s been one day and one night since I arrived and all I really did was grumble and get splashed with a really yummy smoothie. Tonight, I will do something productive. I slipped on a light, floral dress and brushed my tangled hair. I threw on some mascara and lippy and a few bracelets, silently wondering what Cornwall carnivals were like. It was pretty lucky that my dad lived a walking distance away from the town centre, where almost everything was. I walked out of the house after informing my Dad who seemed annoyed I woke up his seemingly 3rd nap today. I shrugged it off and carried on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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