Chapter 14 - Best Friends

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3rd Person POV

The 3 ran as fast as they can to Lucy's house, they climbed up at her window but they were too late. Her room was all a mess showing signs that she struggled to get away from Natsu.

Their expression was mixed with sadness, anger, and confusion.

"Wait! I can still smell Natsu's scent!" Rogue said sniffing the air.
"Yeah me too!!" Sting sniffed the air noticing the scent of Natsu's and Lucy's.
"What're we waiting for?! Let's find them quick!!" Gray declared already outside of the house.

Sting and Rogue hopped out and ran, following the scent Natsu and Lucy left.

A little while later

The scent led the 3 deep into the forest. They found them in an open space surrounded by several trees and face to face with a distance. Without hesitation, the 3 charged and got it front of Lucy to protect her from Natsu.

Lucy pushed away the 3 and walks towards Natsu.

"Lucy, what're you doing?!"
"Are you insane?!"
"He'll hurt you again!!"
The 3 shouted and runs toward Lucy but was stopped due to an unknown magic holding them back.

"What the fuck is happening?!"
"Lucy, don't walk any further!!"
"Why can't we move?! Flamebrain!!"
The 3 shouted again and Lucy stopped walking, she turned around to face the 3.

"H-help me.."
She said with tears in her eyes while Natsu is just standing there with a smirk across his face.

The 3 can clearly see that her eyes looked like she was being controlled.

She turned around to Natsu and continued walking towards him until they were only 3 inches apart.

Natsu chuckles and holds her chin. She can't move like the 3

"So Lucy, I have a question for you. Do you still love me?"
Lisanna asked while using Natsu.
"I used to! But you just didn't care for me like I care for you! I thought that you're my best friend but you just played with me like I'm some kind of toy for you!"

Natsu suddenly twitches uncontrollably then he looked at her with a painful expression.

"Help me Luce.. L-lisanna's controlling me..."
Natsu said while crying.

Lucy was shocked, she couldn't believe that Natsu was being controlled all along.

Natsu proceeds to hurt himself and screams showing that he's suffering. He backs away from Lucy to make sure not to hurt her.

The 3 finally was able to move and immediately runs toward the frightened Lucy.

"Are you okay Lucy?!"
Sting asked scared to what have might Natsu done to her.

Rogue casts a magic dome over Natsu so that he can't get any closer to Lucy.

Lucy snaps and she runs toward the bubble Natsu was trapped. She punches the bubble to break it but failed. The 3 followed her.

"What happened to you?! Why are you trying to set him free?! Can't you see that he hurted you in the past!"
Gray shouted grabing Lucy's arms to calm her down.

"Lisanna was controlling Natsu! I want to help him!"
Lucy shouted crying.

"You can't, the dome is indestructible for an hour."
Rogue calmly said.

Natsu was able to get Lisanna out of his head and into the real world.

"Why did you do this?! Why did you make me let Luce cry?! I won't forgive you for this!!"
Natsu shouted then charges toward Lisanna ready to lay a punch on her.

So whatdya think?? Was my grammar good?? Also how do you think the battle will go??

My lazy hands are tired from writing this chapter so you better appreciate it! Hehe XD


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