Before My Life Changes

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"Aze!!!" My friend shouted on my ears.

Oops I'm spacing out again.

"Oh...sorry I was just thinking about something" I said with a sheepish smile on my face.

"Sigh,Anyway yesterday there is this cute guy who asked me out do you think I should say yes I mean....."My friend,Sye,blabbered.

Isn't she tired talking about boys all the time?

I'm spacing out again.

I really need to stop.

But its not my fault my mind is more fun than the real world.

Gotta love my crazy mind filled with fanfictions.

Unlike school my mind doesn't have boring subjects like Math,History and Music where we are forced to play the flute or recorder.


Wait a minute did we have an assignment on History yesterday?





"Sye,do we have an assignment on History yesterday?" I said cutting her off.

"Huh? Wait? Do we have?" She said with panic clearly written on her face.

"We are in big trouble if we have," I said while opening my bag and looking through my notebook.

"Oh no! Yesterday he accidentally heard me calling him Mr Beard, what if he use this chance to detention me?!" She said while banging her head on her bag.

"W-What? M-Mr Beard?" I said trying to not to laugh.

"Well his facial hair is too noticeable to not make fun off," She said while looking through her bag.

So that's why he shaved his beard.

I almost forgot to greet him this morning when I saw him in the hall.  I didn't recognise him at first but fortunately out of instincts I greeted him but I didn't say his name and when he passed me I realised it was him.

"Good morning," My homeroom teacher said as he walk in the classroom.

Thank god my History teacher is not my home room teacher and History is the last subject every Tuesda-!

Today is MONDAY!

"Sye,today is Monday,"I said.

"So?" She said,still looking through her bag.

"No History," I said.

"Ahem! Sye and Aze are you done talking?" my teacher said.

Our faces turned red in embarrassment when we saw our classmates and teacher looking at us.

We mumble a sorry and stopped talking.

Just like any other student in any boring class my mind started to wander off again.

Everything is the same always predictable, if  there are really angels then please grant my wish, make my life filled with adventures.

I closed my eyes for a second hoping that something will happen once I open my eyes but nothing happened.

What am I thinking?

I should had known that my wish won't be granted.

I'm just another human in this boring world.

Just another girl...

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