If ever???

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If ever?

When we were kids,
We became close friends.
We use to hang on to each other,
Bonds, laughs and understands each other.

I've just realized,
The feeling of,
Unexplained and unfair,
You annoyed my heart that was a stone, which you changed it in a marshmallow.
You knocked it like a door,
Which I let you to enter it freely,
You're also like driving my mind, like it is driven in a roller coaster ride,
That makes my mind and body,
feels crazy, everytime I see you.

You own my whole world,
I don't know why,
I might loose control,
And all I wanted is to be with, is you...

Loving you is like a nightmare,
It's because you and me are different,
With you, I felt, I'm in a fairytale,
A prince charming, holding hands with his lovely princess...

But now, we're not already good friends,
We became enemies,
We quarrel, everytime we see each other,
Teasing, bullying and protecting our own pride.

If ever I have a time machine,
If ever we encounter those happiest and loneliest part of our lives,
That we might together share right now.

If ever I don't tell the truth that I felt the way the word "love" in you,
Are we still friends?
Are we still close?
Or for instances, can we still be together, until now?

Well I guess,
It is enough of trying the things back to normal,
I feel upset and broken,
I loved you more than a million, trillion and more than as the stars multiplies in the space.

But, I have to stop dreaming and imagining all of my aspirations,
It is because,
I know at the end of this unpredictable emotions,
Is the one who keeps on loving, but, without loving by his/her loved one,
Just take those chances of life is given you, and appreciate everything you had.

^be contented and thankful... -mharmhie14^
-edited from June 14, 2016

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