Cherry Kiss (Yuma X Reader)

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You down the hallway to outside the Mukami Mansion to do some stargazing, the moon made you feel at peace when you couldn't sleep

Soon you eventually find yourself in Yuma's garden, and in front of you is a large cherry tree, it's branches twisting in odd ways and its cherries very ripe.

"I've never seen this tree before, Yuma must've planted it a long time ago, but why in the back of his garden where no one can see it?" You thought to yourself as you walked closer to it.

Upon closer inspection, you see vast, intricate carvings, covering every inch of the tree, so that it made a beautiful pattern.

You looked up at the oddly twisted branches and saw the yummy, blood red cherries and immediately craved for its taste. Self consciously, you look around before trying to snatch one off the tree, but you couldn't reach it.

You were about to jump again when a loud voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Eh? Mesobuta, what are you doing over here?!"

You turned around nervously and gave him a halfhearted smile, and just as you were about to explain yourself, Yuma places a cherry in your mouth, shutting you up.

It tasted so sweet and juicy that you wondered what he was up to, then images of what he could do to you interrupt your thoughts...making you blush furiously.

"So you like that eh?" He says as he steps closer to you, pinning your back to the tree.

You tried to push him off, but failed as he kept his vice grip on your waist.

Sighing, you gave up and let him have his way as he pulled your shirt off your shoulder and sank his fangs into your soft skin.

You had to admit, it did feel good to be bitten by a vampire, especially Yuma, well if you can see past the pain that comes first.

Yuma softened his hold on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His mouth traveled from your shoulder to the base of your neck, licking your sweet skin in the process.

That action alone earned a soft moan from your lips. He got the hint and marked your neck passionately, kissing and nipping his way to your honey filled mouth.

Suddenly he stopped. You opened your eyes to his hungry, lustful stare,

"Hmm? You taste like cherries." He said, licking your lips softly , "Now be still, I have to make sure those damn aristocrat brothers know who you really belong to."

You nodded your head as he finally crashed his mouth against yours, the taste of saccharine and blood on both your lips.

There you both were, loving each other under the silver light of a crescent moon, with his cherry tree as your only witness.
(A/N: This is an authors note from future me so....WARNING this was the first one shot I had ever written...EVER. By the third chapter I've gotten decently better at writing so my later chapters are my better ones lol. I will most likely do another one shot for Yuma and probably Kou again later to make up for this TRASH.  Lol I need to leave I got a SubaruXReader to write lolz😂😭😍)

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